Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXXVI

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXXVI] ||


Oriko awoke early the next day, well in time for her agreed meeting at nine, she got up readied herself for the day, wondering if Kakashi was yet awake, she wanted him to follow along and keep an eye on the proceedings as well as the surroundings, but didn’t really want to wake him up. 

She left her room, and paused for a moment, before decided that she couldn’t exactly leave him in the dark over what was happening, and hence plucked up her courage and knocked on his door.  He answered far quicker than she expected, he slid the door open, revealing Kakashi seemingly half dressed, although he was only without his flak jacket or haitai-ate,

“Ah, Oriko, what’s happening?” He kept his left eye closed as his right looked as lazy as ever,

“I need to leave soon to meet the young man from yesterday and I thought you’d want to tag along…well, from a distance,” Kakashi raised his eyebrow at her rather odd statement, and Oriko had to admit, his expression was far more effective when both his eyebrows were visible.  He stepped aside,

“Come in for a moment,” She hesitated for a split second but stepped into his room nonetheless, “What’s your plan of action?” He slid the door closed and took a few steps away from it,

“Well Kyosuke told me of a small monument on the east side of the town, near the hot springs he’s said had been a sight of the, err, ‘demon’ appearing; I assume he’ll take me to the site.  It seems best if you were to follow without Kyosuke’s knowledge and see if anyone else is watching what’s going on…” It struck Oriko that maybe her plan wasn’t quite as good as she thought last night.

“I’d agree with you…if there is anyone behind these incidents, then we should already have attracted enough attention and they should see us as a threat; what time did you agree to meet him?”

“Nine, though I have no idea where this monument is, so I was planning on leaving in a few minutes, to allow time to, well either in case I get lost, or to scout the area and get my bearings,”

She averted her eyes in mild embarrassment at her own awareness of easily she could get lost, Kakashi allowed a smile to appear on his still mostly covered face.  He picked up his jacket, sliding it over his shoulders and quickly tying his haitai-ate around his head before sitting to pull his zori on,

“I’ll keep my eyes open for anything and you do so, too; I recommend you don’t get too friendly with this guy…if we need to take some serious action and if his idea of ninjutsu is synonymous with magic, it could become troublesome,”

Oriko’s intuition told her there was something more to his words but she couldn’t figure out what, Kakashi again rose to his feet and they wandered out of the door.  The Jounin closed the door behind him before zipping up his flak jacket just as the owner of the inn they’d met at the front desk the night before came down the hall. 

All three of them abruptly stopped as he eyed the two carefully, his expression turning from mild surprise to a sly smile as looked between the two and their mild shock; the grin didn’t leave his face as he bowed politely to them and walked passed shooting Kakashi a look the Jounin didn’t respond to – even if he knew how. 

They were down the hall and out of the inn in a matter of seconds, Kakashi immediately disappeared, or so it seemed to bystanders, as they made it seem as though they didn’t know each other at all.

Oriko wandered slowly down the street, keeping her presence diminutive, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious at how the owner of the inn (who if course would have to be walking down the hall at precisely that moment) had caught them and thus assumed they’d spent the night together…

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