Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXIII

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXIII] ||


Oriko stumbled forwards to the usual meeting place, her head a bit of a blur from the evening before, as she allowed herself to drink a little too much with Anko.


“Eh?” She questioned, for some reason immediately thinking that she was hearing imaginary voices, but looked up to meet the green eyes of Sakura, “Oh! What are you doing here?” She questioned, her mind still not up to speed,

“Kakashi-sensei asked me to meet him here,”

“Ah! Then you must be the second ‘third’ of my team…I wonder who will make up the final ‘third’?”

“Y-yea, that would make sense now, as Tsunade-shisho entered me for the exam…but I must admit, I didn’t expect to be paired with you!”

“No, me neither…oh hell!” Oriko suddenly swore at the sight of who was presumably their final team mate,

“Why are you here?” The boy questioned, his arrogant tongue clearly not any more quelled by the time they’d been apart;

“Obviously because we’re your teammates, baka,” Oriko retorted, Sakura’s expression telling her of just how confused she was,

"Err, do you two know each other..?” Oriko ignored the question for a moment as she eyed an old thorn in her side;

That,” Oriko began, “Is a Genin I was forced to work with once,”

“Oh! I’m Haruno Sakura,” She bowed with a light smile on her face as they boy eyed Oriko carefully before too bowing and introducing himself,

“I’m Kichida Asano,”

“Where are Tsanashi and Izumi? Why aren’t you taking the selection exam with them?”

“Izumi was too scared and Tsanashi’s clan for some reason, refuses to allow rookies to take the test,” Asano rolled his eyes, “So I was forced to team up with you guys,” He finished, observing Oriko’s half nod in understanding at his words,

“So da…this will be fun then…” She grumbled,

“Good afternoon, fellows,” The voice of Kakashi broke the slight tension in the air, “I see you’ve all met,”

“Yea,” Oriko and Asano both sighed at exactly the same time, much to Kakashi’s amusement,

“Ehehe, well, I didn’t think you’d like it, but this was the team most evenly organized…although some concessions had to be made for the unusual circumstances of Team Ebisu,” Asano folded his arms and huffed out a breath of irritation,

“It wasn’t my fault that they’re too scared or bound by stupid rules,”

“Maybe they made it up to get away from you,” Oriko responded, forgetting that she was supposed to be a cool and collected adult,

“Oi! You wanna say that again!?” Asano stood up a little and got into a fighting stance,

“Okay, okay, can we please cool the tempers? You’re going to have to get along for this, despite past disagreements,” Kakashi put his hands up trying to quell the feuding Genin,

“Kakashi-sensei, why do I always end up in a team with two permanently arguing people?” Sakura groaned to her old instructor who couldn’t resist a laugh at her expression,

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