Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXXV

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXXV] ||


Oriko had just finished her quick morning workout and was tying her shuriken pouch to her leg when a small bird started cheeping at the window, Tsunade wants to see me? She guessed that was what the bird’s presence signified, and if not, well she was on her way to see Tsunade about a mission anyway. 

She pulled her black zori on over her feet, picked up her keys and stuffed them into a specially made pocket of one of her pouches (something she added to allow her to jump around without fear of losing her house keys). 

The kuniochi wandered slowly towards Tsunade’s office enjoying the bright, warm sunshine of the morning, rapping on the office door and after being commanded to enter, she spotted Kakashi already stood and Tsunade resting her elbows on the table and her hands clasped together,

“Ah, there you are,” Oriko did a weird sort of bow/nod as a greeting to them both and Tsunade continued,

“I want the two of you to go to Yugakure no sato and investigate some strange goings on, there have been reports of various thefts and evidence of foreign shinobi operating there; they’ve requested our help in the investigation. 

"They’re a lower shinobi village and most of its wealth and prosperity come from the abundance hot springs.  You shouldn’t face too much trouble, but be aware there has been some Akatsuki connections to the place, although I doubt they’re behind something as petty as this. 

"I’d like you to go and find out what you can; as well as to put an end to it if possible; the details are in this scroll,”

Kakashi collected the scroll off Tsunade and looked over it briefly, but turned back to the Hokage, “Dismissed…and good luck,” They both bowing slightly and walked out of the office, they made it quickly back out onto the street,

“How about we meet at the main gate in half an hour?” Oriko nodded and they made their way in separate directions to gather their equipment for what would probably be a longer than usual mission.

Oriko was stood at the gate waiting for Kakashi, who was nearing forty minutes late; Oriko busied herself sharpening a kunai and hence, hadn’t taken much note of how late the Jounin was.  Kakashi eventually appeared and they set off on their journey at a relatively fast pace Oriko’s thoughts on what they may face in the Hot Springs village…

She couldn’t resist a twitch of nervousness as her thoughts directed back to the last time that village had been mentioned.  She quickly caught up to Kakashi, who was a few paces in front of her,

“Hey, did the scroll give any more information about what exactly had been going on at Yugakure?” Kakashi eyed her for a moment,

“Mostly things like vegetable stealing, large areas of crops burnt, some evidence of water jutsus being used too,”

“Hmm… that seems rather odd,”

“Where you expecting something different?” He meant it as a joke, but Oriko’s thought process sort of negated it,

“Well, when Raiga kidnapped me all those months ago, he said that he was going to take me to the Hidden Hot Springs village,” Kakashi was a little surprised by her answer, but saw no reason to worry,

“Well, not only is Raiga doubtlessly dead now, even if he somehow managed to survive, something like this really isn’t his style,”

“Hmm, true, and nor did he strike me as the kind of guy to have lackeys; it just rang a bell was all…”

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