Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part VIII

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part VIII] ||


Oriko could feel her senses slowly retuning, the back of her head was screaming almost as loudly as the new sights pouring into her eyes; she was struggling to keep up.  She looked around, trying to recognize where she was – still in forest most of which looked very similar to where she was with Kakashi and the team; but intuition told her that she was some distance away.

“Ah, you’re awake my dear…” A young-ish male voice reached her ears, as she struggled to turn her head to where he was stood, a breath of laughter escaped him, presumably in her attempts to move, her hands, arms and legs being bound tightly;

“Who are you? Why have you kidnapped me?” She asked, keeping her tone even and unthreatening,

“You have no idea who I am, you have no idea where you are and neither does the rest of your team, not that they care enough to want to know,” He sneered a little, Oriko frowned slightly, unsure what he was getting at, “What’s your name my dear?” She could hear his footsteps skirting closer, “Well?”

“Why do you care? Why have you kidnapped me?”

“How about a trade of information, hmm?” Oriko narrowed her eyes, “If you tell me your name I’ll untie your legs,”

“Untie my arms, instead,”

“Oh no, that would make things too easy for you,” Oriko struggled against her bonds again, trying to turn herself over, which proved surprisingly difficult without the use of her limbs, “How about I introduce myself first, hmm?”

He walked around into her line of vision, he was quite tall dressed mostly in bandages with long dark trousers and a matching waistcoat of sorts with a high collar, his dark straight hair down sticking out a little at the ears with two strands falling either side of his nose making his already sizeable eyebrows looked even thicker, but there was no haitai-ate that she could see:

“I am the untamable, feared and respected shinobi of the Mist! One of the legendary Seven Shinobi Swordsmen: Kurosuki Raiga!” He stood staring dramatically at her, with one hand outstretched towards her, with his knees slightly bent, clearly designed to inspire fear or respect or awe – unfortunately, all of which were lost on Oriko who lay there staring at him with a mix of surprise and confusion on her face, having no idea who he was or who the ‘Seven Shinobi Swordsmen’ were.  He kept his posture hoping her to remember,

“I am Kurosuki Raiga, there isn’t a respectable shinobi who doesn’t know my name!” He raised his voice, clearly irritated and insecure, Oriko’s face merely dropped one of sheer disbelief;


“It’s not ‘okay’, you should be quivering in fear!” He exclaimed, balling his hand to a fist in frustration, Oriko still not impressed in the slightest, as she allowed one eyebrow to rise slightly, noting with amusement how much it seemed to annoy him, who the hell is this joker who’s crawled out of the woodwork? Seven Shinobi Swordsmen? They sound like posse of idiots with nothing better to do…ugh, she rolled her eyes, suddenly feeling a lot less talkative, whilst trying hard not to look at him again for fear she might burst out laughing.

“Well, what’s your name?” He nearly shouted at her, his voice full of indignation,

“Oriko,” She stated, seeing no reason to keep it from him as she no longer feared him in the slightest,

“Oriko - what?

“Just Oriko,” He eyed her suspiciously, folding his arms, as she awkwardly managed bend her knees and wiggled her feet in the air,

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