Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XLIII

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XLIII] ||


Oriko had been wandering aimlessly for the past hour, it was about half eight in the morning (Oriko having not been able to sleep the night before) - she didn’t really like uneasiness she’d felt since Kakashi randomly asked her to meet him for a drink the day before. 

She’d been absolutely aimless, her mind in a jumble; not only because of the anger that remained with her over what had happened at Tanzaku Gai the day previous.  It really was something that depressed and angered Oriko – she hated people who couldn’t take responsibility for themselves; that they think they’re allowed to do whatever they want and they don’t have to consider consequences or the considerations of others.

She did feel a little bad that it wasn’t the person specifically that she felt so sad and angry about, it was more the fact that an ideal of how one should behave had been betrayed. Sighing, she leapt up to find a seat in the crook of a tree, liking the damp smell of the woodland from the rain the previous evening, it felt fresh and alive. 

Oriko wondered what she was supposed to do with herself, training was the obvious answer but it was so difficult to focus; her thoughts kept drifting over to Kakashi to the murder to ideas of responsibility to Kakashi and back to the evening ahead.

She still couldn’t interpret what Kakashi’s words were supposed to mean, it’s gotta be just a general invite, nothing weird, he’ll turn up with Anko, Iruka, Genma and all of that lot and it’ll be a typical night out and I’ll feel like a fool for worrying so! …Then why do I feel so uneasy?!? She clenched her fists in frustration at how just a simple question had thrown her into such turmoil. 

Rising to her feet and exhaling a sharp deep breath, and repeating it a few times she decided to train as hard as she could until she was beyond exhausted,

That should not only help me to relax...if only by forcing me to do so, but it will also give me something to do for a few hours; I should also be in a good, relaxed mood for Kakashi later – I’m always in the worst moods when I haven’t trained of a day! She reasoned to herself and so leapt to the ground, stretching her arms over her head, preparing her first jutsu in her head, to be translated into her hands.


Oriko stumbled back into her apartment and crashed onto her sofa, shattered, she looked at the clock 12.47 ah, damn is that all? Damn still loads of time before I can go anywhere or do anything... She sighed to herself, and forcing herself to her feet she wandered over to her little kitchenette, finding a can of peach juice from the fridge she leaned against the side and wondered what she should make for lunch. 

Eventually deciding on a small bowl of rice with pork dumplings, it wasn’t a lot as she thought that, due to the time and place Kakashi asked to meet her, they would no doubt be having dinner (– and at the place which sold such luscious Inarizushi) she should make sure to leave room for it. 

As she left the dumplings and rice to steam she though over what she should do for the rest of the day – her fan was getting more and more easy to control and was pleased with the progress that she’d made. 

Finally getting a control on herself (and partially grateful to her knackering training) she decide that a trip to the library would be in order, she really should read more up on the interrelations between chakra natures and to see if it could be possible for her to create a new element to manipulate.  Although even just in her head that sounded next to impossible;

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