Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXV

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXV] ||


Oriko stood next to Asano and Sakura outside a chain-link fence surrounding a – for lack of a better word – monstrous forest,

“Welcome to ‘training area no. 44’!” Anko half-screamed at the teams of Genin left, only about twenty teams left, all of whom looked nervous, Oriko could see the blonde one from earlier had also made it through and was eyeing Sakura with a proud-ish smile – or a smug one which Sakura returned, a rivalry, perhaps? Don’t know, don’t care; we’ve got figure this shit out first!

“Ok! The rules are as follows, each team will be given one scroll; it will be either a ‘heaven’ or an ‘earth’ scroll, each team must have both scrolls in their possession by the time they make it to the central point –the tower – within five days. 

This means you will need to attack and steal scrolls from other teams as well as survive the five days while travelling to the central tower.  You are not allowed to open the scrolls, only to bring them both to the tower – only the shinobi who fulfil these two conditions may pass this test! 

"But there are also some other stipulations – I will only pass the first three teams to make it to the tower with the two scrolls.  This means you have options, you can attack the other teams and completely incapacitate them…but that too would waste time needed to get to the tower within the allotted time and speed of other teams…” Anko teased, knowing that this knowledge would weigh heavily on them.

The teams stood outside the forest, all of whom gave an immediate and very heavy hearted sigh at hearing the news that only a possibility of at most, nine would pass this test. Maybe I should be more careful with definitions of ‘joker’ in future

Oriko thought sarcastically, while looking over the other teams, ah, I remember that blue haired arrogant looking guy specialized in water-jutsus…or at least wrote loads down for it, detailed stuff too…well he is from the Water Country, I must keep my eyes open,

“Well, now that the rules are sorted, you lot need to get your asses over hear and sign one of these forms…there will no doubt be death involved here so I won’t take responsibility for it, you have to sign these,”

Anko smiled again as Oriko rolled her eyes, getting the feeling that something like that wasn’t at all unlike Anko. “And when you’ve done that, one team at a time will go into the little tent and collect a scroll,” The teams grunted in understanding as they marched forward to sign the form and then go into the tent.

“Guys, I reckon we can do this, we have a good range of skills and we’re pretty sharp minded…mostly…we’re not going to fail here!” Oriko whispered to Asano and Sakura, receiving determined nods from them both as they went up to sign the form, Anko looking expectantly at her friend,


“Alright…did you make up that last rule, about only three teams bit just now..?” Oriko questioned,


“Ugh…well you’re buying me a drink after this!”

“Ahah, don’t worry, there’ll be people who will want to buy you drinks after this,” Anko flashed her a knowing smile, but was met only by Oriko’s confusion,  “Well, never mind…I expect to see you pass this round, Oriko!”

“Don’t worry; I’m passing this round, if only to spite you and your stupid rules!”

“Ahahahahah!” Anko wild laughed took over as she nodded in agreement, “Now hurry up and get a scroll, I’ll need to start soon,” Oriko nodded in return and wandered over to the tent,

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