Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXXVII

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXXVII] ||


Kakashi and Oriko had been searching for quite some time, not only for this ‘Tsuda street’ which they eventually found in one of the most remote corners of Yugakure; although the street itself hade few houses on it, finding the man named ‘Hitori’ proved next to impossible. 

Even when they could over hear people talking about him, whenever they asked directly, the villagers managed to somehow ‘forget’ the conversation before in less than a second.  However, Oriko, grumbling to herself that this would be the last house she knocked on was eventually answered by an old, shaggy grey haired man who held a gaze like a condor,

“E-Excuse me sir, I am looking for Hitori-san, have you seen him?” The man’s eyes narrowed for a split second,

“Why would you want to know that?” Oriko flashed the sweetest sad smile she could muster,

“Well, I have reason to believe that he’s my uncle and the rest of my family’s-” She cut off, feigning pain,

“What? I have no siblings!” He exclaimed suddenly but caught himself, and attempted to close the door, but Oriko blocked it with her foot,

“Hitori-san, I presume?”

“What do you want with me?”

“I want to know about Gozoru and what’s been happening to Yugakure recently…why is everyone so frightened?” Oriko asked quickly, the man tried to slam the door, but her foot still prevented it, “Please, Hitori-san, I wish to help Yugakure but I need to know about Gozoru and your attempting to break my foot will not stop me,” He paused for a moment, giving Kakashi time to appear at her side,

“What happening?”

“I’ve found our man, but he’s a little reluctant,”

“I have no niece…leave me alone!”

“Hitori-san I must apologize that was merely a tale on my part to test if you were indeed who I was looking for, I profoundly apologize for the deception,” He paused again, still unwilling to trust them, he opened the door but obviously wasn’t expecting to see anyone else, he flinched a little,

“Hitori-san, my name is Hatake Kakashi and I would be grateful if you would tell us about Gozoru,” He eyed them suspiciously, noting their headbands,

“Why would you be here?” He opened the door a little more, clearly feeling less threatened,

“We were sent from Konoha to help you,” The old many flashed his head out of the door; staring intently at the both of them,

“If I’m seen talking to you I’ll be killed…he knows you’re here and he will kill you too, leave!”

“No,” Kakashi responded with a voice oozing with quiet confidence, “We will not leave until this has been resolved,”

“Tonight Gozorou will be here…tomorrow is when he will collect the taxes,” Oriko narrowed her eyes,

“How will he be here? What will happen?” Oriko queried quickly,

“Only to announce his presence,”

“A show-off?” The old man’s eyes raised in surprise at how she saw through his words but he nodded, “You two are shinobi…I hope you are skilled enough to deal with him,”

“Don’t worry,” Kakashi returned confidently, “We weren’t just randomly assigned this mission,” He ignored the lie in his words, hoping it would reassure the man, he flashed a faint smile as Oriko removed her foot from the door and he snapped it shut.

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