Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXI

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXI] ||


Oriko wandered back to her apartment in the early evening having taken a walk after finishing lunch with Kiyoshi, the low light was relaxing and she felt strangely at ease, far more than she had been for the past week.  The early evening air was cool as she thought about what tactics she’d train for her spar with Kakashi no doubt the day after tomorrow, and how she’d put them into effect. 

As she closed the door of her apartment behind her and began boiling some water for tea before bed, she reckoned that the fan would be a bad idea to use on Kakashi as she still had too little control over it and decided that the risk of seriously injuring him was far too high. 

She finished her tea quickly and went to bed, not finding it all that easy to sleep.  She awoke early the next morning and made her way to the training grounds to begin practicing with the new sebon needles (with bells) and with running through in her mind how the kibakufuda would work (and wondering if making fakes would be worth it). 

She trained tirelessly throughout the morning running through all of her jutsus and other skills as well as tactically running through her list of skills – what would work best when and where?

She eventually paused to go an locate some lunch and then she’d go back to the library and take one last look at the available books to help her with gaining control over her fan (and maybe even something to help her with card Jutsu).


Oriko was getting steadily closer to understanding what the problem was with her fan and card Jutsu, but the books she was reading seemed merely to explain how chakra weapons worked, rather than tips for getting the best out of them. 

The majority of the book’s she’d read talked about ‘elemental recomposition’, which she had little trouble with, but somehow she couldn’t manage it when it came to channeling her chakra into something. 

She was lying flat on the ground in the middle of the training ground, again, tired out as the evening light was fading; her heavy breaths the only noise puncturing the air.  She allowed her eyes to look over the dark sky, the occasional star becoming faintly visible, the cool air making her feel somehow…alive.

“Hey,” His smooth voice cut across her peace, she jolted in mild surprise – firstly at anyone finding her here and coming to talk to her and secondly, of it being Kakashi, “What are you doing?”

She didn’t get up, but tilted her head back to glance at him, finding him sat close by but his entire body facing at a right angle away from her. She moved back to her previous, comfortable position, thinking that even if it were mid-day and he didn’t have a mask on, she still wouldn’t be able to read his expression,


“Busy day?” He flashed his eye back to her,

“Hmm, just a tiring one…training mostly with less success than I’d like,”

“That perfectionist-thing of yours flaring up again?” She could hear a half-hearted smile in his voice, (although it could just be a part of his exceptionally dry sense of humour),

“O-Oi!” She exclaimed throwing an arm over her head to hit him, as she leaned her head back, a look of mock indignation  written all over her face; Kakashi caught her arm, his hand gripping just firmly enough around her wrist to keep her knuckles from hitting his leg, “Aren’t instructors supposed to be supportive?”

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