Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

We decide that we are going to order our pizza from Dominoes, so I grab my phone to call the pizza place.

Once the worker picked up, I calmly stated, "I need two small pizzas, one pepperoni and the other supreme, delivered to 527 south sycamore street."

He replies quickly with, "That will be $17.58 for two small pizzas. Will that be all?"

"Yes that will. How soon will the pizza be here?'

"It will be about twenty minutes. Enjoy your pizza."

With that he hung up and we walked into the living room to play a game while we wait for our food. We decide to play monopoly, but just play till the food gets here and no more after.

Just as I buy boardwalk, completing the blue set, the doorbell rings. Could it like have come, what ten minutes later? We get up and I grab the money my mom left us, and we walk hand in hand to the door.

We open the door and see not the pizza delivery guy, but, Leah. The first thing that pops into my head is, "Oh crap. He broke up with her." She confirms my thought when the says through her tears, "Kate, he broke up with me. How could he?"

Immediately I say, "Adam I think it'd be best if you left. I think we need some girl time."

Thankfully, he understands and grabs his jacket and walks out the door. I grab Leah's hand and lead her up to my room, where we put in a childhood movie. This is what we do whenever one of us has a breakup, so we text the others and they show up in less than ten minutes.

We all decide to watch Spirit, the horse movie. This has always been Leah's favourite, so it only makes sense. Five minutes into the movie, the doorbell rings and I walk downstairs to pay for the pizza.

I hand the delivery guy the money and take the pizzas straight upstairs to the girls. When they smell the delicious aroma Kylie, who has the remote, pauses the movie. We all take a slice of pizza and devour it in seconds. Still hungry we go down to the kitchen to see what else we have to eat.

I take inventory and say, "Well let's have ice cream and graham crackers."

I say the Ice cream, because we have little pints of all of our favourites and they're just calling us to eat them. The graham crackers because, they're graham crackers duh.

I hand out the ice cream and spoons and put some graham crackers on a plate and we quickly change rooms again. Once we have all arranged ourselves comfortably, Kylie presses play again.

We watch as the stallion spirit, moves through life. By the time it gets to the fire scene at the end, all the food is gone and Leah is much happier.

After the movie ends, Grace goes and gets the sleeping bags from the hall closet. We arrange them in an asterisk formation, with our heads in the center. It's not late but were all exhausted so we decide to go to sleep early.

The last thing I think about before falling asleep is, how lucky I am to have Adam.


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