Chapter twenty four

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Ok well I'm just gonna start at the weekend cuz I have no idea what day it is.

Chapter twenty four

Kate's P.O.V

It's Saturday. Finally. Saturday is my favorite because I can just chill and do random crap.

I wake up at like ten thirty and just lay there for thirty more minutes. I finally get my ass up and stumble downstairs to get some food. After glancing at the time, and seeing that it's eleven I decide just to grab a snack. I'll eat lunch later anyway so what's the point in having breakfast?

Holding a napkin with wheat thins piled on it I retreat back to my room. While eating my food, I put on denim shorts and a tshirt. I lay down on my unmade bed and stare at the wall till my phone buzzes.

I pick it up from on my bed and see that it's Paige.


"Hey girl u up yet"

"Yeah I'm eating wheat thins y?"

"Wanna go see some movie or go shopping"

"Yas lets go shopping and spend a crap lia of moneys."

"Ok meet at the mall in twenty?"

"Sure c u then."

(End texting convo)

I have twenty minutes to get ready and be in the food court before I have to meet Paige. I can soo do this...maybe. I cake eyeliner and mascara on my eyes, grab my wallet and phone and I'm on my way outside to my car.

The drive passes quickly and soon I'm walking through hordes of people. I see Pai immediately and walk over to her. We agree that we should eat lunch before shopping so we both go get food.

I chose chick fil a and enjoy my chicken sandwich and waffle fries a lot. We finish and begin walking around and entering random stores.

After an hour we've been to five stores and I've spent my money. So has Pai so we decide to call it a day. We walk out to the parking lot together, but part ways once we see our cars.

I get in and drive home only to be greeted by...


I did it I wrote a chapter. Now I just have to think of who she sees when she gets home. Oh my god after I posted ugh I got like fifty reads thank y'all so so so much that really made my night. Gonna stop talking now bai.

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