Chapter Five

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Peyton mabry to play Paige

The day crawled by, well it was the first day back after summer vacation so what did I expect?

Each class was almost exactly the same as the one before. They all followed the same pattern, teacher introduction, course expectations/information, and then getting to know you activity.

I had a friend in almost every class. Leah in second and fifth, Grace in third and sixth, Anna in fifth and sixth, and Paige in forth, eight and fifth. My schedule was boring, my electives scatter through the day, which is what I prefer.

Adam is in three of my classes, first, forth, and seventh. So he is in my homeroom, math and science classes.

When the day is finally over, I run by my house and then it's on to Starbucks with me. When I arrive, everyone is already sitting at a table with our drinks ordered. I got a strawberry frapachino, since I don't prefer coffee.

We immediately got down to business and discussed our summers.

Leah went to visit family in California all summer, so she got to go to the beach and even see some celebrities.

Anna stayed here for the most part, with the exception of a trip to New York for a week.

Grace went to London, to stay with her cousins, she even went to a One Direction concert.

Paige and I spent our summers having sleepovers, going swimming, pigging out on ice cream and obsessing over random stuff. We saw Adam quite a bit, at like the river and places like that.

Our summers were pretty awesome. Now they're over though so we have to get back into the school routine. Kill me now, PLEASE!!

After we finish our discussion of the summer events, we do what we always do, talk about random stuff. The conversations always end up VERY interesting.

Time slips through our fingers and soon it's six o'clock and time to go home. We say good bye and all go our separate ways.

Five minutes after I leave, I get a text from Paige. She says, "I miss you sooooo much boo. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, or maybe I don't wanna cause that means I gotta go to school."

Sometimes she dosen't make sense to me, but I've learned to just go with it, it's easier that way. I don't bother responding, because she already knows my answer.


Ok that's fun to write so yeah.

Updates won't be as frequent cause I'm not spending the night at my grandmas and I write this there at like midnight so yeah. Bye.

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