Chapter Seven

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Ashley Olsen is going to play Grace.

When all of us girls are seated in chairs the walk around to the front of us and smirk, in their annoying ways. Then they all shout loudly, "Surprise!!"

Suddenly a table for each couple is wealed out from a room to the back of the one we are in. On each table, there is food and an 'I'm sorry for 'kidnaping' you' note. The people who bring out the tables untie our hands and our boyfriends return our phones to us.

Once all of this is done we begin to eat the food that has been put in front of us. It was all delicious and there was no food left on either of our plates.

The food was spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread. I've never tasted better food, and that is saying a lot. After we all finish our meals, the tables are wheeled away and music fills the wear house as more people begin to come into the building. It seems as if the boys are hosting a part and a big one too.

Tables are set up along the walls with food and drinks. A dj's stuff is set up quickly and then the party is in full swing.

(Ok so I'm gonna add a person to Kate's friends. Her name is gonna be Kylie and yeah she's pretty cool.)

I break away from Adam and go to search for Paige, Leah, Grace, Abby, and Kylie. When I finally find them they all have red plastic cups in they're hands, holding what I'm assuming is beer or some other alcohol thing. Paige is holding two and hands one to me, which I gladly accept.

I say to the girls, "Lets get drunk ladies.". We all take my statement to heart and soon we are all drunk and let's just say that if the cops showed up right about now, we'd all be arrested in a flash for underage drinking.

We all head to the dance floor where we run into Adam, who takes one look at me grabs my hand, and pulls me into the mass of sweaty people. When One Way or Another by One direction comes on the place literally explodes from girls, high-pitched shrieks. Paige and I contribute to the noise and it becomes considerably quieter when the next song comes on.

It just so happens to be a slow song and Adam wraps his arms around my waist and my hands travel to his chest. We sway in time to the music and I lean my head against his chest. I wish we could stay just like this for forever, but all too soon the song ends and we detach ourselves from each other.

I decide to go get some snacks with the girls so we head off to the snack tables. We each grab a plate and fill it with junk food. When we have what we want we head to a table and eat our food there.


Yeah I just wanted to put this up cause the last chapter ended strangely. So yeah, the rest of the dance/party will me on the next update.

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