Chapter Eighteen

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Ok we're almost to chapter twenty all I can say is I'm surprised that I've stuck with it this long.




Ethan's P.O.V.

As Kate walks to the back I begin to frown. My bestfriend for like, a long time hates me and my life has turned to complete shit. Hmm my life is soooo amazing, not.

I'm sure that d!ck Ethan is having the time of his life getting to be with her and all. Ugh I wish Emma had never come to our school. Everything would still be perfect if it wasn't for her.


Kate's P.O.V.

One week later

As I sit in first period I just think nothing more or less. My life isn't actually all that bad, aside from the fact that Adam isn't my boyfriend anymore. But Ethan has been helping me threw it, late night talks and movie nights all that jazz. We really have gotten close.

School passes quickly today for a change and before I know it I'm at my locker collecting my stuff and about to go to Ethan's. Today's Friday so we get to have the movie night we've been planing.

As I arrive at his locker he's closing it and we turn to face each other. Im not expecting him to make a move or anything but my breath quickens a tad at our closeness. He just meets my eyes and smiles and then we walk out to his car.

Five minutes later we arrive in his driveway and I quickly run up to my room to change and put my stuff down. I'm planing on staying the night so I pack a bag with my pj's and a change of clothes for tomorrow.

When I finish I run downstairs while screaming out, "Mum I'm going to Ethan's and I'm gonna spend the night. Love ya!"

I don't hear her reply as I'm already out the door and quickly over to Ethan who is waiting for me. He grabs my hand and leads be inside and up to his room. I dump my bag in the corner and his backpack lands on his desk.

He says he's going to change into more comfy clothes, like I did and after grabbing them he walks out to the bathroom. As he's gone I turn and look around to see if anything had changed in two days, nothing has.

He comes back in blue basketball shorts and a random t-shirt. We are both getting hungry so we decide to go to H.E.B to get a frozen pizza and some snacks for tonight, as we are going to need a lot of them.

We look strange in our comfy clothes but, still normal Im in my leggings and a t-shirt and him in his basketball shorts. We walk downstairs and outside. H.E.B is not too close so we get into his car, AGAIN and drive to the store.

One we get there we go straight to the candy/ chip isle to stock up our growing stock pile of junk food. We get Doritos, fritos, lays, Oreos and various other cookies. Next stop is the frozen isle where we grab a Red Baron frozen pizza, topped with pepperoni and sausage.

Agreeing that we have enough we walk to checkout, preparing ourselves for the argument on whose paying. He wins, but only because a line is growing and in gonna sneak some money into his wallet later anyways.

Once all the bags are up in his room we add them to the drawer in his dresser. The drawer is full now so we won't have to 'restock' for awhile. We take the pizza down and put it into the oven to cook. A lot happens in the twenty minutes that it has to cook, NOT.

Once the pizza is out we cut it and put it onto paper plates and return to his room. We sit on the floor talking while we eat our food, but once we have finished we move to his bed so we can be more comfortable.

We're both laying on our sides just talking when he suddenly says, "Damn. I really want to kiss you right now."

Unsure of how to respond I stutter at the beginning which causes a laugh from him. "Umm yeah that's be cool... I guess?"

My response makes him laugh even more and it takes him awhile to calm down but when he finally does, he stares into my eyes and leans his head in towards mine. I lean my head in also and soon our foreheads are touching and then he just smashes his lips onto mine.

He slowly kisses me and the feeling of our lips molding together is just amazing. Not breaking the kiss he moves over on top of me, supporting his weight on his hands.

I pull away and wipe the saliva off my lips and then wiggle out from under him. I don't want to be apart from him though so I crawl in between his legs and lean back against his chest.

He lay there like that for awhile before he pushes me up slightly and then he begins to mess with my messy hair. At first he just twirls it around his finger but gradually he moves to braiding it and soon my hair is in a messy French Braid.

We decide that it's time to start the movie and we put in Pirates Of The Caribbean. I loose myself into Ethan's embrace and into the world of jack sparrow and the pirates.

Halfway through the movie he pushes himself up and walks over to the snack drawer and grabs out the bag of Doritos. He quickly returns to me and we are soon lost again.

As the movie finishes he turns me around and just stares into my face. When he finally speaks he says, "God, your so beautiful."


Another chapter down, YAY!!! pirates are bad???? cruise ships are GOOD???

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