Chapter Fourteen

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Ok so now we have another love interest for Adam, two girls with one common goal, this could get interesting. Ok Emma is not based off of anyone at all, I just wanted a typical mean girl to add some drama because its been pretty boring. Also Emma is played by Megan Trainor.

Chapter Fourteen


After school I wait at my locker for ten minutes, for a boyfriend that apparently isn't coming. I walk slowly outside, a wave of sadness washing over me.

'What could have stopped Adam from coming to my locker, he always does. I don't mean to be clingy and crap but we always walk out of school together, it's just not right if we don't.'

Brushing away my emotions, I just walk home attempting to appear as normal as I can. When I get inside and up into my room, I fall flat onto my face on my bed.

Once I have calmed myself from my frenzied state of jealousy, I just lay there. Before I had fallen on my face, I had turned on my radio. Music always helps me, it just does and I always feel so much better after listening to some.

I have it on KASE 101, my favorite country music station, and I'm slowly but surely feeling better. That is at least until I get a text from Adam.

I am expecting to see an apologizing text saying how sorry is, and a reason for him not coming to my locker, but instead I see the exact opposite. The text says, "Baby we need to talk. Can I come over so we can or do you wanna come to mine?"

That's all. He needs to talk... All I can do I text him back saying, "Sure Adam, we can talk. You can come to my house. Please don't stand me up."

Five minutes later the doorbell rings and I go down to let Adam in. We sit down on my bed once we get upstairs and he begins talking.

"Kate I'm not sure this is gonna work out anymore, what we have. I just haven't been feeling it lately and I confirmed my feelings when Emma came to school today."

"Adam please don't do this. We won't be able to go back to just being friends. So what you are saying is, you don't wanna be friends with me anymore."

He just nods and my heart begins breaking but I stay strong and listen to him, full well knowing that I'm going to be in tears by the time he's gone.

"Kate I really don't wanna do this but it's just Emma. She's different and it's hard to explain. I just ugh. Im not feeling it anymore and as an experiment I kissed her today at school and just wow. It's just something about her. So we are over, I'm really sorry that I led you on."

That's when the flood gates opened. I nodded and said "Please don't do this to me. I can't live without you Adam, I just can't." Then I walk to the door and show him out to his car.

I run inside and immediately text Paige,

K- heyy gurl what's up

P- nothing?

K- ok so yeah Adam just broke up with me. Please don't come over

P- are you sure? I can come over no problem

K- yeah I'm fine I gtg BAI.

I just lay down on my bed and close my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.


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