The Non Exsistent Chocolate

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HI EVERYONE! Welcome to my latest story! Feel free to comment ideas you want me to write about! This oneshot takes place before Lily and James are together, but in the seventh year. I OWN NOTHING, The Awesome J. K. Rowling does!

"James!" Lily Evans shouted, banging her hands against the doorway to James's dormitory. Since they were both Heads this year, they had separate rooms from the rest of the school. Currently, James had locked himself in his room for Merlin knows why reasons, and Lily was trying to get him out. Over the past few months, Lily and James had become friends. James had stopped asking her out every other second, and matured. Lily couldn't help it, but the moment he seemed to lose interest in her, she sort of maybe-began to like him. It was a constant battle in her head. Dearie, you know you do! Shut It, Brain! He'll only hurt me! Honestly, he's been in love with you since the first year! Yes, But he's James Potter. That was went through her head.

"I'm not coming out." James's muffled voice came through the door. Lily pursed her lips, and put her hands on her hips.

"I'm NOT talking to a door, James, and we have to go patrolling! Now, COME OUT!" Lily said to the door.

"No! And Lily, you know that you just talked to a door?" James's voice was heard. Lily groaned in frustration.

"James, it doesn't matter if Sirius did who knows what!" Lily cried. "We have to go!"

"It does matter! Would you like it if your best mate took all of your potatoes then flung them at your face?" James's voice came again. "Currently, I'm covered in potato. If I go out like this, my reputation will be ruined!" Lily sighed, James was such a drama queen-wait, king.

"James. Stop being a Drama King. Also, you do know that that happened at dinner in the Great Hall? Everyone saw..." Lily asked.

"Exactly! I am done for!" James wailed. Lily sighed. She would have to go to a last resort.

"Well, since I felt bad, I went down to the kitchen, and brought up some chocolate...." Lily began, and the door was open in a flash, and there was James Potter. He was looking around for the chocolate, but all he saw was a redhead laughing at him.

"WHERE'S MY CHOCOLATE?" James growled.

"It's non-existent."Lily laughed, then looked up at James, whose face was murderous. She straightened up. Mashed potatoes were in his hair, and stuck on his glasses. Lily actually thought that he looked quite cute-wait what? NO! Lily Evans did not think these things about James. Lily blushed pink. "Let's just go to patrol, James."

"No! I can't, not looking like this!" James said. Lily reached up, and ran her hand through James's hair, trying to get the potato out. She finally gave up, her face red, because the entire time, all she could think was how soft his hair-LILY! SNAP OUT OF IT! Lily used a cleaning charm on James, who with a snap looked normal again.

"Ready for patrol, James?" Lily asked, and the two left the common room.

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