Mirror of Erised

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"Lily, com'on!" James cried, pulling on Lily's hand.

"I'm coming!" Lily laughed. The two were friends now, finally in the sixth year, having long ago put aside their differences. "Where are we going anyway?" she wondered, having been dragged along by James to a mysterious place.

"You'll find out when the time comes.." James answered cryptically.

"James. You're not Dumbledore. At least you can give a straightforward answer for once.

"Almost there," James whispered, looking around. He broke into a run and chasing after him, Lily followed. They turned the corner. "Right there. That door." The two ran towards the door. James pulled on it and lead Lily inside.

"Where are we?" Lily asked, gazing around the room in amazement. It was a long abandoned classroom, with a large glass mirror in the center, with a large clearing before it. "James. Is this a date?" she said, shaking her head.

"No! I mean, only if you want it to be," James said slyly. Lily rolled her eyes. She could sense her growing feelings for the boy, but honestly, she was too afraid to act on them. She loved their friendship and didn't want to destroy it. Maybe he didn't still like her like that.

"James Potter..." Lily said warningly. The two laughed, both knowing Lily would never respond to that.

"That's not the reason I brought you here. Look Lily: Go stand in front of that mirror," James said softly, gently pushing Lily to the clearing in front of the mirror. "What do you see?" Lily looked into the mirror. She saw herself, holding hands with her sister, Petunia. They looked young again, running around in a field, while her parents stood nearby, watching. Young Lily and Petunia ran into their parents' arms and the family hugged. The young children continued playing. Slowly her other friends entered, all as young children. Marlene, Mary, Alice, Emmeline, Hestia, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James all running around with Lily and Petunia. Severus Snape was there too. He looked so young and so happy. All of her friends accepted Severus, and they all got along. James shared a secret smile with Little Lily and she smiled back. Their parents were all there too, standing around, chatting. Lily Evans saw everyone she cared about safe and happy. Everyone getting along and loving each other for who they were. A tear fell down her cheek.

"I see my sister and I playing in a field. All of our friends are there, we're all happy and safe. The adults all getting along, talking. And Severus Snape - well, he was there too. And he was like what he was like when I knew him as a nine-year-old. That's what I see," Lily cried, tears falling harder. James ran to her and engulfed Lily in a hug. His arms were strong and being in them felt right.

"Lily, it's okay. You know what? This mirror shows your deepest desire. You just want everyone you love to be safe and happy," James soothed.

"What do you see?" Hiccuped Lily. James took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.

"I see my dad. He's alive again and hugging Sirius, my mom, and I. He's not sick, but strong. He's smiling. It breaks my heart." James was crying now too.

"James," Lily whispered, looking up at James. "We see happiness. It's not something to be sad about. It's these happy moments that we want."

"Happiness is worth every sad moment," James whispered back, looking down at Lily, who was smiling through her tears. "Lily, you're correct. Happiness lights the sad moments." James hugged Lily tighter, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"James, can I tell you something?" Lily asked, continuing to look into James's hazel eyes.

"Yes, Lily. You can tell me anything," James reassured.

"I'm afraid of losing it though! I'm afraid of losing my happiness. It does light up my day." Lily said quietly, barely audible.

"If you're afraid of losing your happiness, you must have already found it," James reasoned. "What is it?"

"It's us, James. It's you being my friend, the times like these, this is my happiness." Lily had tears again along with James.

"And you're mine," he responded then made a bold move. James kissed Lily's forehead, letting his lips linger there. When he finally broke away, Lily looked down for a second, then looked back up, her green eyes meeting his hazel ones.

"Thanks, James," Lily said, gazing with care in her eyes.

"Anytime," James whispered. Both were silent for some time, each afraid of breaking the moment. "We should head back." James finally mentioned.

"Yes, of course." Lily looked down. They walked away, their backs to the mirror and as they left the room, Lily took James's hand. Their happiness was bittersweet. She wished for something. Next to her, James made the same wish.

I wish that I could always be this happy, that my happiness will always be like this, sure and true.

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