Favorite Animal

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This one shot is set in sixth year. I'm SO Sorry I haven't updated. This one is in Lily's perspective. I know I've been doing Lily a lot, so next chapter I will try and do one from James's POV.

"So, Evans..." A voice carries across the short distance between this couch and the next one in the Gryffindor Common Room. I groaned in irritation.

"Black, just stop bugging me." I announced, rolling my eyes, and bending further down over my book, "Some of us are trying to finish the homework we were set in History of Magic."

"You actually manage to stay awake in that class?" Black asked, looking mighty impressed.

"Just what did you want, Black? Then you can leave me alone, and go bug some other poor person, or go do whatever 'marauders' do in their spare time?" I asked, finally looking up from my book. Black was sitting their with his cronies, Remus, whom I rather liked, and we were friendsish, sometimes he could be just as annoying as the others, Pettigrew, and Potter. I hated Black and Potter the most ever since that first train ride. Anyone who wasn't nice to my friends, I wasn't nice to. 

"Well, seeing as we thought you needed a distraction from boring History, we thought we'd come and talk to you. So. Conversation starter. What's your favorite animal?" Black said, and all the boys leaned forward, anticipating my response. The question did catch me off guard for a second.

"I'm sorry, but wait what?" I asked. Black rolled his eyes.

"Evans. What is your favorite animal? Are you a dog person?" Black asked. I wrinkled my nose.

"Actually, no. I'm allergic to dogs. They make me sneeze, and my eyes go all watery and red when I'm near them. But I guess they're fine, I can deal with them, also, they are too energetic and excitable. Would ruin everything in a house. I would prefer cats to dogs." I answered, and Potter barked out a laugh. Black just looked very offended.

"HA, Padfoot. Doesn't like dogs, now do we?" Potter laughed. Black turned around, and smacked his shin.

"Well, then. Are you a mouse person?" Pettigrew asked. Honestly, I thought. Mice? Where in Merlin's pants are they getting these from?

"Um, no. Mice are pests to muggles. My house once had an infestation, and we had to get an exterminator." I mentioned.

"What's an exterminator?" Pettigrew asked, interested. 

"Somebody who kills pests in your house by setting traps." I informed him. He looked heartbroken. What are these people with their animals? Honestly, you would think they WERE them, the way they were acting.

"Your favorite animal must be a wolf, then." Remus joked, a mask of blankness passing over his face.

"Sorry, Remus. But no, while I've always liked forest animals, I've never had a passion for wolves. They are amazing and smart creatures, but I've liked others better." I said, and a look of almost relief passed over his face.

"Wait, you said you liked forest animals? Which ones? And for Godric's sake, what on earth is your favorite animal?" Potter asked, a smirk playing on his lips. I thought for a moment, and the answer fell into my head. There was one animal I loved over others.

"Well, I've always loved deer." I say. Potter smirks, while the rest of his...gang looks gobsmacked.

"Deer?" Black asks faintly.

"Yes, deer. Especially does. And stags. They are just so majestic, and beautiful. Skilled on their feet, being able to run around the forest." I imagine a stag, a doe, and a fawn together. 

"Our work here is done." Potter says, and finally goes away with a skip in his step. I go back to my book, and now it seems so boring. I look back at the Marauders, and I think I hear Potter say, "Padfoot, her favorite animal is ME!"

Now the Marauders and their animals really make absolutely no sense. None what so ever. So when, a week later, on full moon, I see a stag running in the forest, through my dormitory window, I smile. He looks up at me, and I see a quick flash of familiar hazel before he runs off. I hold the memory to my heart forever. 

Jily OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now