Truth or Dare Part Two

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Lily couldn't move. Stunned. Shocked. He had to be lying! James Potter couldn't love her! The same arrogant git who teased her for years on end? But now, thinking about it, it hadn't be really mean. Just playful. And then there were the times where he stuck up for her. When Snape wasn't there, or even, lately, the one being mean, he defended her. And she always brushed him off. Yelling at him, insulting him, and just not being herself. Lily felt like an awful person now.

"Well, um, thanks?" Lily asked, sounding more like a question. James looked slightly annoyed, while still pleased she hadn't bestowed any harm upon him.

"Lily Evans! How dare you! You are going to ruin my OTP soon if you do not kiss this boy right now!" Sirius said, sounding entirely serious. Lily didn't have any time to wonder what OTP meant. She was too embarrassed.

"And your point is?" Lily asked Sirius, missing the slightly hurt look on James's face. "I don't have to do anything. It isn't my turn. And I think I'm done playing this game." And with that, Lily ran out of the room, all the way out onto the lawn next to the Black Lake. She lay down in the fields, and just stared up at the clouds, shivering from the cold.

"Lily." A voice from above sounded.

"What?" Lily groaned.

"Just me." James sid, and lay down next to her. "Why did you run out?" he asked.

"You know." Lily said, rolling over. James sat up, looking mighty annoyed.

"You know what I do know, Lily? I know that you don't care for me. I know that you don't care for anyone besides yourself. I poured out my heart for you, and what do you do? Embrass me. And yourself, except you only think of you. Imagine how I felt in that moment. Just think, Lily. Maybe I was hurt? Maybe it just hurt watching the girl whom you've loved since 5th year utterly reject you. Run out, so shocked, she couldn't look at you. Maybe it hurts, protecting someone, only to have them hurl insults at you afterwards, like you've done nothing to help them, rather hurt them. Maybe it hurts, getting rejected so many times? Have you even considered that? No, of course not. Well, let me inform you. It does hurt. So bloody much. All you are is mean to me. Maybe that hurts. Maybe it hurts to love you." James ranted. Lily was once again shocked.

"James. I'm sorry." Lily whispered, looking deep into his eyes.

"Well, I'm done hurting myself." James said, looking back, then finally getting up, and walking out of my sight. She had lost him.

I'M SO SORRY! I just had to do that, since I think it isn't always Lily in the wrong. Don't worry, in my universe, they will get back together since James is such a cinnamon puff, and forgive Lily.

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