Halloweens Years 5-7

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This is the second part to Halloween.

Year 5:

"Today we have a Halloween Challenge!" Slughorn exclaimed. "You'll each be put in partners, and given an unknown potion. Your job is to figure it out. 50 points to the team that gets it first!" Everyone looked around the classroom excitedly. "Here we have. Ahh, McKinnon and Black, Heartworth and oh, Lupin, Avery and Mulciber, Snape and..Pettigrew, MacDonald and Prewett, Evans and Potter..." Slughorn went on, but all I could think was, NOOOO. Why on earth did I have to work with Potter? It was bad enough that he asked me out at least 30 times a day. "Okay, Pip-pip!" Slughorn said, and everyone went off to their partners.

"Hullo, Evans. Fancy working with you, would you fancy going" I didn't even let James finish his sentence.

"No. Sit down, I'll go get the potion." I walked up to the front desk, and picked up one of the potions. They appeared to be all the same. It was slightly pink, had a mother-of-pearl sheen to it, and made me just want to go and take a nice nap. I pinched myself to stay awake. I put the cauldron on our desk. "Here we go, Potter. Let's start by writing down everything we can observe about it." I took out my quill, ink, and parchment. "What do you think it looks like?"

"Well, it's shining, like you, and-" I interrupted James once more.

"Honestly. Tell me what it looks like without relating it to me." I said crossly.

"Whatever you say, Evans." James threw a smirk my way. "Well, like I said, but there is a sheen to it and it's slightly pink." I copied the notes down.

"And what do think it smells like?" I asked, eyes on my paper. "I think I know what it is, but just confirm it with the smell."

"Um... Brooms, ....Chocolate, and ... Ink? Why would I smell Ink" James said confusedly. "Your turn!" I sighed, put the parchment down, and leaned towards the potion. Three scents blurred together. Bliss.

"I smell books-" James snorted, "Hey, Potter. I also smell a meadow from my hometown," I gasped. It WAS Amortentia! I smelled the meadow where I played with Tuney. Tuney! Tears welled up in my eyes for a second. I recovered myself.

"Evans, are you okay?" James had seen the tears.

"Yeah, fine. Memories. Never mind. The final thing I smell is....fresh rain and grass?" That made no sense. Why would I smell that. "Anyways, I think I know what it is." James nodded, wait what? He too had figured it out? James Potter had a brain?

"Amortentia!" We cried out at the same time. He smiled at me, and against my free will, I allowed a tiny smile back. I immediately turned it into a mask of calmness.

"Correct, Miss Evans and Mr. Potter!" Slughorn laughed joyfully. "Everyone, the clear winners-" The rest of the room went silent, "Lily Evans and James Potter! 50 points to Gryffindor!" All of the Gryffindors clapped, and the Slytherins grumbled. Marlene gasped, and turned to Sirius, who was her partner.

At Marlene and Sirius' table: Marlene's POV:

"Black! Sirius!" I whispered, poking him in the shoulder.

"Yes, Marls?" he asked.

"Okay. 1, don't call me that. 2, did you hear what Lily and Potter smelled?" I asked. I heard what they said, but was confused by it.

"Yeah, sure. Jamsie said he smelled brooms, chocolate, and ink. Evans said books, a meadow, and fresh rain and oh!" Sirius gasped, and seemed on the verge of squealing. "Evans said fresh grass and rain. James always smells like that after quidditch practice!"

"And Lily always has ink all over her hands." Marlene finished. Her best friend had just smelled her worst enemy in the world's strongest love potion. Poor Lily.

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