Chapter Six

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A/N: That's a big ass cast.. KRISTEN'S PICTURE DIDN'T WANT TO WORK WITH ME SO PLEASE DON'T JUDGE THE FACT THAT SHE STANDS OUT THANKS. Also, I wrote this on my phone so I apologize if it's wonky

 Also, I wrote this on my phone so I apologize if it's wonky

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Pull it together, Beth... you just killed a man, so what? It's not like you haven't killed before.

My mind went back to that night... the night that set me on this path.

The night I made my first kill.

"Mum, I really don't think we need to go all the way to the market at this time of night. We're only here for a few more days anyway." I explained, stopping momentarily to pick Jack up. "Jack's starting to get tired."

"It won't be long, Bethany, don't rush us. The last time you did that we almost forgot your brother at the beach." She explained, giving me a warning look.

I saw dad look at me with a smile, his eyes meeting mine almost instantly. "Hold in there, baby."

I groaned, hoisting Jack up further since he was slipping down my hip. "Fine..."

"Mommy... can we get ice cream on the way home?" Jack's tiny voice asked tiredly.

"Jack, it's almost 8:00." I pointed out, rubbing the child on his back slowly. "Maybe I'll take you to get some tomorrow, how would you like that?"

"You promise?" He asked with watery eyes.

I smiled and took his hand in mine. "I promise, cross my heart and hope to die."

I closed my eyes as I sat in front of the building I thought I would never return to, the memories still flowing.

"Beth, run back to the hotel, take Jack wit-"

My mother's screams and sobs were still fresh in my mind even after all this time. The blood that was pouring from her chest beginning to spread on the pavement.

"Mo-mommy?" Jack whimpered, fighting his way out of my grasp. "Mommy!"

"Jack, you have to be quiet..." I whispered harshly. "They don't know where we're hidden. Jack, please..."

"B-but mommy's...."

"I know, I know, Jack. But please be quiet." I pleaded, pushing his head into my chest.

"Please... please don't hurt my kids." I heard my father beg from his place next to my mother. He was cradling her as crimson liquid fell from his head. "Please..."

I yelped, shielding Jack's eyes from the scene before us as the gunshot rang out, and the sound of a body hitting the ground echoed through the empty street. "No..." I whispered, feeling my hands grow warm as purple light began forming.

I choked out a sob, my head shaking. Why wouldn't it stop? I thought it would be gone from my mind after Charles helped me deal with it... Charles...

My head began to hurt, the world around me now becoming a spinning blur of colors. I gasped for air, putting my hands over my ears, as if that would stop the high pitched noise that was ringing through the air.

I stood, my fists clenched tightly by my sides. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them once more. I came here to make things right.... not make them worse.

"Beth... run..."

No, daddy. I can't run. Not anymore. Not now. Not this time.

"You're going to pay for this..." I sobbed as I looked at my family in front of me. Blood was everywhere, and I could have sworn I felt my heart grow cold. "You're going to pay for all of this!" I shouted.

"Oh, I'm so afraid of a little-" He was cut off when the purple light from my hands threw his knife at his throat. The only sound being gargles and gasps for air.

I shrieked at the sudden pain in my side, falling to my knees with a grunt.

I heard footsteps come up behind me before two feet made their way into my line of vision. "Fucking bitch!" The person spat, kicking me in the face.

I sobbed more, my eyes meeting those of my little brother. His eyes were still open, emptily staring into my own, his chest no longer moving. I closed my eyes, not wanting to believe that my family was really dead a few feet from me.

My eyes snapped open and I immediately stood, using my powers to pull the man apart angrily. His head came to a stop in front of me and I dry heaved, not believing that I just murdered two men in cold blood.

I sat there for what felt like hours, my eyes staying on the bodies in front of me. I sighed, my hand closing my baby brother's eyes. More tears fell as I sat there shaking from the cold.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" A deep voice asked from behind me. "It's okay, I'm...I'm like you." A few moments passed while we just stared at each other. "I'm Alex."

I took a deep breath, my eyes traveling towards the now open door. "Hello, Charles...." I said with a sad smile, a tear falling down my cheek. "I'm home."

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