My YouTube 'family'

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The rain began to pour down as I ran in now regrettable heels along the busy streets of London. I weaved between tourists and stern faced business people and arrived at the bus stop just as my bus was about to pull away. I elbowed my way onto the bus quickly handing the driver my ticket and taking the last seat just as the doors shut and the bus pulled away. It was Friday making the rush hour traffic even worse not to mention the start of the summer holidays. Most people in my class had been excited about the holidays, six weeks with no school and some of them were going abroad as well but for me it was six weeks with not even an outing unless we did enough chores. I pulled out my phone to check my subscriptions and to my delight Alfie had uploaded his daily vlog already, the only bit of hope in my day was watching youtube. I knew so much about these peoples lives now I though of them as my 'YouTube family' as it was the closest thing I had to a family although they didn't even know I existed. 'You have brightened my day as always. ' I commented as I normally did but as I was about to hit submit I thought that I would add a bit more to my comment for a change as I did have some time to kill. 'I live in a children's home and to be quite honest my life kind of sucks, I have no family or friends and the closest thing I have to happiness is your videos. Thank you for doing what you do' I added and without thinking I posted it. 

"What time do you call this? I've been worried!" Helena barked as I got in the door. "I'm fine." I snapped. "Lottie! Come here. Where have you been? They employ me here to keep you kids safe and that's only what I'm doing so don't roll your eyes at me." "It's Friday, I just got caught in the rush hour traffic." I explained. "So why didn't you answer your phone?" She questioned further. "My battery died." I said honestly. "Alright, I'm sorry. Dinner will be ready in half an hour." Helena sighed eventually allowing me go up to my room. I was lucky  that I had my own room unlike some of the other children. The other children weren't to bad really, the older ones just kept themselves to themselves and the younger ones could be annoying sometimes but we didn't have that many problem children like most places do. There was Cassy who screamed all night long sometimes and Jasper who tended to be the one to start fights but other than that it was ok though I suppose you could call us all problem children really.  I didn't have any friends but I mainly stayed in my own little bubble and didn't talk to anyone which was probably why. Once in my room with my desk chair in front of the door  so not to be disturbed I watched some more YouTube, got my homework done and read for a while before pretending to be asleep so I didn't have to go down for dinner and after that I really did fall asleep. 

The next morning  I woke up to my phone buzzing none stop. I checked Facebook to see everyone messaging me telling me Alfie had replied to my comment. With butterflies in my stomach I nervously went on to YouTube to see yet more messages and finally the notification I had been anticipating: PointlessBlogVlogs has replied to your comment. I screamed excitedly and jumped around the room clapping my hands together. "What's wrong?" Helena asked bursting into my room. "I heard you scream." "Alfie Deyes replied to my comment!" I shouted. "Is that all? I swear Lottie Clover you will be the death of me. " Helena laughed  relieved. "That's exciting though. He's Zoe Bella's boyfriend  isn't he?" Now it was my turn to laugh. "Zoella!" I corrected. It was sweet of Helena to try and understand our interests and she was much better than she used to be when she started this job and was just plain bossy. "Whatever! Try and get some more sleep please it's still early. " She sighed running her fingers through her tangled brunette hair and pulling her dressing gown tightly round her podgy middle. I nodded but as soon as she'd left the room I wrapped my favourite blanket round my shoulders and clicked on Alfie's comment to read it. 'I'm so happy that my video can have this much affect on someone's life, it makes it all worth while. Stay strong LottieYoutubeLover123 I promise you things will start to get better soon and mean while I'm here for you, you may not have a real family but think of Zoe, Nala and I as your family. You're all my family.'  He wrote and I didn't even  care about Helena, I screamed again and hugged my blanket tight to my chest. I'm not alone, I said to myself. I have a YouTube family. 

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