Merry Christmas to all and to all a good fright

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I was sat on the sofa with my head resting on Caspers shoulder and I could see in Joe's eyes that it was killing him. It was Christmas eve and Zoe and Alfie, Tracey ( Zoe's mum ) Amanda and Nick (Alfie's parents ) Poppy ( Alfie's sister )  and her boyfriend Sean, Joe ( Zoe's brother and my...I don't know what ), Casper ( my boyfriend ) and I were all spending Christmas together. "Who wants to pull a cracker with me? How about you Joe?" Zoe asked. "Sure." Joe sighed. "Yes I won!" He cheered and I saw a small smile flicker across his lips which made me feel slightly better. I hated that I was ruining his Christmas but he had already planned to come over before our whole...thing. "What did you get?" Zoe asked. "Oh it's one of those little red fish that tells you how your feeling. Put it on your hand Joe let's see how your feeling!" Tracey smiled enthusiastically. "So how does it work?" Sean asked. "Well you put it on your hand and the way that it curls up shows you how your feeling. There is a little piece of paper here which shows you what each movement means." Tracey explained. "So Joe according to the fish your love! Ohhhh with who?" Zoe teased. Alfie started wolf whistling as did Sean and I saw Joe go bright red. "I'm going to get some water." Joe muttered and stormed off to the kitchen. "You know what I'm a little parched myself. I'll be back in a minute." I said following Joe. "I'm sorry." I whispered once we'd reached the kitchen. "It's not your fault." Joe sighed. "I think I might leave in a minute though, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be and to be totally honest Lottie I don't think I can do it anymore!" "Joe no! Please don't go!" I wept. "What choice do I have Lottie? Give me one good reason to stay." He snapped. With that I started kissing him and he kissed me back. He held on to me and made me feel safe and secure and like I never wanted to leave his arms again. When we finally pulled away I looked at his face with his boyish grin and his hair falling slightly in his eyes and I knew that I loved him. I knew that he was all I ever needed. I knew that he was my life, my world and in the words of Noah from Zoe's book, he was my forever boy. All of a sudden I saw the shadow of someone in the doorway. Zoe. Her face was pale as a ghost and the bowl she had been carrying had fallen and smashed. "J...j...j...Joe?" She stuttered. "Yes Zoe." Joe answered confidently. "And dare you? After all we've done for you you go behind our backs and start dating Casper and we forgive you for that...even except Casper as your boyfriend and had do you repay us? You start KISSING MY BROTHER!" She shouted. "You are a little spoilt bitch and I want you out of my house NOW!" "Zoe what's going  on?" Tracey asked. One by one everyone came to see what was happening and eventually Casper came with tears flooding down his face and a look like someone had just run over his cat. I stared at the floor ashamed but Joe stood tall and proud. "Zoe I realise this is a shock," Joe admitted "but don't say anything you'll regret. " "Yes I suppose your right. Oh come here honey don't cry!" Zoe smiled kindly wrapping me in a huge hug. "I shouldn't have said those things, I was just shocked and angry. Your my daughter of course I don't want you to go anywhere." "Well what's Christmas without some drama anyway." Poppy comforted putting her arm round me. "Look this is a lovely little family scene and everything but my girlfriend just kissed another best friend in fact. What's supposed to happen now? I'm to forget about it? That is if she wants me back at all." Casper spat. "I'm sorry Casper." I sobbed. "I did have a crush on you but that was all...a crush. Well then when  you said you loved me and I mean I think everyone here can vouch for the fact that if your crush asks you out then you freaking say yes! The problem is I don't just have a little crush on Joe....I  mean I did when I was like ten but now I have real feelings for him." "I think it's best you leave Casper." Tracey suggested. "I agree. I'm going to go spend Chrsitmas eating icecream and listening to Adele then. Bye everyone!" 

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