I love you too!

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I ran round my room like a lunatic trying to frantically tidy it. My uncle Joe, my 'grandad' or 'daddy sugg' as I knew him better and Caspar were coming over. As there wasn't enough bedrooms Caspar was going to be sleeping in my room and I was sleeping on the sofa. I'd never met Caspar before and I didn't want his first impression of me to be a messy slob. "They are here!" Zoe shouted rushing to the door. "Crap!" I shouted grabbing armfuls of clothes and shoving them into my wardrobe. Next I grabbed a box I still hadn't thrown away from moving and filled it with random shopping bags and sweet wrappers that littered my floor. How had I let it get this messy? I always used to be so tidy but now I was so busy living with Zoe and Alfie I hadn't had time to clean. "Lottie! We have some people who want to meet you!" Alfie shouted up the stairs. "Coming!" I shouted back. "Ok, we'll be in the cosy room!" Alfie told me. I quickly made my bed and shoved whatever else looked messy into my wardrobe and put my desk chair against the wardrobe door to kept it shut.

"Hi Joe, hi Grandad, hi Caspar." I smiled. "Hi!" Caspar, Joe and Grandad chorused. "So Lottie. What do you like to do in your free time?" Caspar asked nervously. This wasn't like the Caspar I'd watched on YouTube, what was wrong with him? "Umm, well I love playing with Alan." I replied finding myself nervous as well. "You call Nala Alan too?" Joe asked. "No I named my new puppy Alan. Inspired by you actually." I laughed. "Does this mean I can't call Nala Alan anymore?" Joe asked disappointed. "No, no you can. Alan is only an idea for his name anyway." I said making a mental note to change Alan's name. "So do you ever want to be vlogger or blogger or whatever it's called!" Grandad ( daddy sugg ) asked. "Maybe but I don't think I'd be any good." I admitted. "You'd be wonderful! I'd definetly subscribe!" Caspar smiled kindly going bright red. "Thanks." I smiled back. "What's wrong with you man?" Alfie whispered to Casper. "I....don't feel that well." He replied. "Lottie will you show Casper to your room please." Alfie ordered. I nodded smiling over at Casper. He got up and followed me to my room. "Sorry." He whispered. "I don't know what's got into me." "It's fine." I grinned taking his hand in mine and squeezing it. "Thanks your really sweet...and really pretty." Casper admitted quietly. "And I think I've fallen in love with you." "What?!' I shouted tripping over my desk chair in shock. As the desk chair fell my wardrobe exploded open exposing all the mess I'd chucked in there. "Are you ok?" Caspar laughed helping me up. "How on earth can you be in love with me?! You don't even freaking know me!" I shouted. " I'm sorry....I'm really sorry. I don't know! It doesn't make sense!"  He cried out. "What doesn't make sense it that I love you too!" I shouted back. "What?!" He screamed. "I said I love you too!" Then all of a sudden we were kissing. 

We came back into the cosy room holding hands and when we got a questioning look from Zoe we immediately stepped away from each other giggling. "Lottie! Come help me with dinner!" Zoe said. "No Lottie stay here and chat and I'll help you Zoe." Alfie smiled. "Well I need to talk to Lottie." Zoe scowled. "What's going on with you two?" Zoe asked once we were out of earshot. "What two?" I asked playing dumb. "You and Casper." "Me and Casper? Nothing!" I laughed. "Are you sure?" Zoe checked. "100% sure!" "Ok, if you insist. Remember your only 14, he's 23. It would be very wrong." "Well your older than Alfie! He's 23 and you are 27!" I said indignantly. "That's different!" Zoe gasped. "So there IS something going on!" "Maybe." I admitted. "No! No! No I won't allow it!" Zoe shouted. Zoe and I had never fallen out before and I really didn't want us to. "Everything ok Zoella2146895679!" Joe joked coming into the kitchen. "That joke is OLD now Joe! I think it's time for you and your FRIEND to go!!!!" Zoe screamed. "Who Casper? What's happened Zo?"Joe asked "Go to your room Lottie! I need to talk to Alfie! Joe, dad, Casper you need to leave." 

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