A new member of the Zalfie household

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Several weeks had passed and Zalfie were....well Zalfie again. "Gooooooodddd morning!" I heard Alfie shout bursting into my room. At first I thought he was vlogging  but then I realised he was aiming his  enthusiastic greeting at me. "Tooooooo early!" I grumbled. "It's 11:30." Alfie laughed. "It's still morning that's way tooooo early !" I retorted making my 'to' s really long to prove my point."Well you need to get up and get dressed and be downstairs in ten minutes." Alfie ordered. "Why?" I cried irritably. "I have a huge surprise for you."Alfie grinned leaving the room. I leap out of bed immediately. Alfie and Zoe's little surprises were my equivalent of a life changing surprise so what on earth would their huge surprises be like?

I arrived downstairs exactly ten minutes later washed and dressed. "Good Morning Lottie." Zoe smiled. "We needed to leave five minutes ago so I made you breakfast and wrapped it up so you can eat on the way." "Sorry for making you late." I apologised guiltily. "Don't worry about it. I'm still waiting for Alfie, whoever said girls take longer than boys to get ready was obviously delusional!" "Hey!" Alfie shouted fake offended as he entered the room. "I'm ready now." 

I got into the car and unwrapped my breakfast package to be greeted by the scent of fresh pancakes. "Wow! Thanks Zoe, what's the occasion?" I asked dipping a pancake into the provided maple syrup. "You'll see." Zoe smiled cheekily. 

About three hours later we pulled Into the drive of a beautiful stone cottage with water features in the garden and a mile long drive. "We're on holiday?" I asked slightly disappointed. We'd only just got back from a family holiday in Greece and to be honest I just wanted to spend some time at home. "Guess again." Alfie smiled practically dancing with glee. We got out of the car and knocked on the huge oak door. "Hello! Hello!" An elderly woman with silver grey hair piled on top of her head and rosy red cheeks smiled. "You must be Lottie." "Yes ma'am." I replied. "Oh no, call me Lizzy." The woman grinned. "Come in." "Thank you Lizzy. How's the pup?" Zoe asked.  "Doing well. Her mother just won Crufts you know?" Lizzy announced proudly. "What's going on?" I asked. "There is someone we'd like you to meet." Alfie explained. With that, Lizzy bustled off to her living room and came back with the tiniest, fluffiest puppy I'd ever seen. "Oh she's adorable! Miniature Yorkie's are my favourite breed of dog! What's her name?" I asked "You choose." Lizzy said. "Your going to let me name your puppy?" I exclaimed. "Actually he's yours." Zoe corrected. 

Alan ( my dog, the name inspiration was due to my uncle Joe Sugg ) slept on my lap the whole way home. Surprisingly Nala loved Alan and they started playing the minute they were introduced. I felt so happy little did I know this happiness would soon end....

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