Moving day

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I loaded my measly two bags into the van Zoe and Alfie had hired. "Is this it ?" Zoe asked, shocked. I nodded sadly. They'd hired a removals van to pack all my things into but all I really needed was the back seat of their Landrover. I had one small cardboard box filled with my clothes and makeup and a supermarket bag for life with my other random things that had decorated my room. The little furniture I used to have belonged to the children's home so stayed there. I saw tears build up in Zoe's eyes. "Ok as soon as we've got you settled in we're going shopping!" She promised. I waved goodbye to Helena who insisted she had something in her eye but obviously was crying and Jackie who gave me a hug and ruffled my hair. "I'll miss you, remember me when your out at all the posh parties ok?" She smiled. "Always. This would never have happened if you hadn't taken me to the meet up." I smiled back squeezing her hand as Alfie announced it was time to go. I waved goodbye to all the other children who looked bored and kept bugging Helena to go back inside. This was it, my new life had began. 

It was the evening now. Zoe and Alfie had bought  a gorgeous double bed, a dressing table, a beautiful wardrobe with all new clothes and shoes to fill it, SEVEN whole bags of accessories to decorate my room and most excitingly my very own Apple computer. "Thank you!" I exclaimed  again." "It's fine. We had to get your new room sorted anyway so we might as well have done it all in one. We can paint it and put everything in it tomorrow but for tonight we can all camp on the sofas again. "Alfie smiled. "Great idea. Here we are, welcome to your new home." Zoe announced as we pulled onto the drive. They instructed me to close my eyes as I entered and when I finally opened them I gasped. The whole place was decorated with balloons, banners, flowers and the table was set out for a feast with a 5 tier cake in the middle. The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the delicious meal Zoe had prepared, watching movies and testing each layer of the cake with all the different icings. It was the best day of my life.

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