Do you love him...or me?

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to LOTTIE, happy birthday to you." Zoe, Alfie and Casper sang all with cameras pointed on my face. Oh the joys of having a family of YouTubers! "Make a wish!" Casper smiled kissing my cheek as I went to blow out the candles. "Awww you two are so cute!" Zoe smiled. I couldn't believe that it was only a few months ago that Zoe and Alfie  had banned me from seeing Casper yet now they were completely supportive of our relationship and had even come up with the name 'Lasper' which fans now commented on every single video of Caspers and even commented on a few of Zoe and Alfie's videos. "Yes sickeningly cute, you give Zalife a run for its money." Alfie joked. 

Later on that night when Casper had gone home and Alfie and Zoe were in a meeting I heard a knock at the door. "Joe!" I exclaimed. "How's my favourite fake niece?" Joe asked. I rolled my eyes. Last time Joe came over he had made a joke that I was his fake niece and although Zoe had been extremely annoyed on my behalf I actually found it kinda funny and somehow it had stuck. "I'm good. I got your present, thank you so much. How did you know that I wanted that necklace?" I smiled. "Well I have my sources, just call me Santa!" 

We were watching Elf ( what? It's only two months to Christmas!) and then suddenly I noticed Joe lean over and for some unknown reason I lent over as well so that I was snuggled up to him. He was really close to me now and I felt my heart start racing then all of a sudden he kissed me. It was better than any kiss I'd ever had with Casper in the whole 4 months we'd been dating and I found myself kissing him back. "Wait! I can't!" I shouted pulling away. "Why? Because I'm Zoe's brother? We're not actually related." Joe stammered. "Oh GOD I hadn't even thought of that! I'm dating your best friend Joe!" "Yes I know.....but do you really love him?" "I have feelings for him! I had a crush on him and....." "Lottie answer the damn question!" "No ok! No I don't!" "And do you love me?" "No! Yes! Oh I don't know Joe!" "Don't deny that you do! I know you've watched those fan edits!" "Ok I have but that doesn't mean anything! Every teenager watches them!" "Every teenager you likes me! Don't you get it Lottie? I have loved you since the day I met you and I cried myself to sleep the night you and Casper became a couple! I call you my 'fake niece' for a reason you idiot! I love you!" Joe wept. I wiped the tears away with the corner of my Christmas jumper ( like I said only 2 months left! ) and kissed him softly on the lips. "Yes I get it and I love you too." I whispered. 

I woke up the next morning with a horrible feeling in my stomach. I couldn't believe what I'd done! Before moving in with Zoe and Alfie my life was so simple but now it seemed to have more and more drama at every turn. First of all my parents nearly break up, then I rushed into my first relationship way too fast based on some little crush and now I had fallen madly in love with my adopted mother's brother! God a reality TV show should be made of my life! No, I need to get my priorities straight. Yes I have feelings for Joe but I also have feelings for Casper and a relationship with Casper is much simpler than a realationship with Joe so I should just date Casper. I had it all planned out.....that is until Joe texted me. 

Joe: good morning princess, I can't get you out of my head! 

I had no idea Joe was such a romantic. I always presumed he'd be a bit of a rubbish boyfriend although that didn't stop me liking him....

5 years earlier, age 10: 

"Hi Helena! Guess what I have my very first crush!" I announced. "Get your head straight on your studies  and don't even think about boys!" Helena snapped "Don't you even care who it is?" I asked very hurt. "Fine I'll play along, who is it?" Helena sighed. "It's Joe sugg!" I smiled smugly. "Who? Is that a boy at school?" Helena asked. "No silly! This is Joe Sugg!" I grinned showing Helena a video of my new hero." "Oh honey he's much to old for you!" Helena laughed. "Well one day he'll be mine! You'll see!" 

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