Meet up

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"Gooood morning guys!" On screen Alfie shouted. "How you doin today? I have got up, fed Nala and now I'm about to order myself a deliveroo for breakfast.....don't tell Zoe!" "Yeah we don't want Zoe finding out." Zoe laughed in the background walking into the kitchen. "Oops! " Alfie smiled ." "Can you get me a Chocolate croissant or something whilst your on deliveroo." Zoe smiled hugging Alfie. "Sure. Before I forget I need to tell you guys about the meet up happening. So it's in London and there is no charge or anything just come along and hopefully I'll get to meet as many of you guys  as possible all the details are in the description box. Anyway I need to get some breakfast and then I'm meeting Chai and Sean later whilst Poppy and Zoe have their eyebrows done and probably end up shopping for ages to." Alfie whispered into his camera. "I heard that Alfie Deyes!" Zoe laughed. 

I paused the vlog for a moment, a meet in London? This day couldn't be anymore perfect, first Alfie replied to my comment and then he announces a meet up in his daily vlog! "Helena!" I shouted. "What? I'm busy!" She shouted back storming into the dining room where I was sat. She was wearing a pink 'cleaning is my bae' apron and she had her hair in a neon pink head wrap. "Do you even know what a 'bae' is?" I laughed gesturing towards her apron. "No but it was on clearance, as was this head scarf......I was tired of getting my hair all dirty every time I cleaned the house!" She explained. "Whatever, Alfie has a meet up in London...can I go?" I pleaded. "When is it?" I checked the description box to see it was in two weeks time, I told Helena this. "Well, I.....where in London?" She questioned. I informed her that it was in Kensington gardens. "I suppose you'd have to be accompanied though as your only thirteen." Helena sighed "So it'll have to be a no, sorry my dear." "Oh please! I'm nearly fourteen anyways!" I begged. "I'll go with her." Jackie smiled walking into the dining room to get an apple from the fruit bowl. " like Zoella and Pointlessblog?" I asked astonished. "Well I don't mind them. It'd be cool to meet a celebrity though. Plus I remember when I was your age and cranky old Helena here wouldn't let me go to the Ed Sheeran  concert even though I'd saved up enough, I was so upset and I wouldn't want that to happen to you." She said shooting an evil look at Helena. "Hey! That was for your own good! Anyway, thank you very much Jackie that's very responsible of you. So it's a yes then." Helena replied. "I'm going to meet Alfie!" I cheered rushing up to my room. 

The next two weeks passed by very slowly and mainly consisted of chores, YouTube and one day we all went the park for a picnic. Finally the day of meeting my hero arrived and though the meet up didn't start till 12:30pm I woke up at 5:00 to start getting ready. About 6:00 I already had all my very few clothes in a heap on the floor. "Hey." Jackie whispered coming in. Her long sleek black hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she was wearing a cream silk dressing gown, even though it was still early she looked amazing. "We'd better set off soon as I want to be one of the first there, I'm not queuing up all day." "Ok." I replied sleepily. "As soon as I've found something to wear." "You can borrow something of mine if you like." Jackie smiled. I smiled back. Over these past couple of weeks of been getting on with Jackie really well, we weren't exactly friends but it was nice to have someone to talk to. 

Dressed in Jackie's lazy oaf dress and my white kitten heels we began to que up. It was only 8:30 but already a que had began to form, there were even a few tents. We waited for what seemed like forever when eventually a tall man with brown hair and pale skin appeared with police and a security team all near by. Alfie. 

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