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"Hello Lottie." Zoe said curtly. "Hi Zoe!" I beamed giving her a huge hug. "Well this is new!" Zoe laughed hugging me back. "I feel like recently we've....well.....things haven't been great between us but I need to remember why I'm here in the first place and it's because of you and Alfie and living with you two is like a dream come true. There has been so much drama since I've lived here with you and Mark pretending to be together, you and Alfie nearly breaking up and then getting back together, Casper and I getting together and then breaking up and now me and Joe..." "It has been crazy!" Zoe agreed. " I feel like my life should be on a bad reality show! Anyway I want things to go back to how they were. I want to reconnect with you and Alfie, I want to meet up with Jackie and talk about normal girl stuff like....I don't even know what. This is how out of touch I am with the real world! Oh and I want to start school! Real school not home school anymore!" "Ok this is all great but where is it coming from? What happened?" "I'm breaking up with Joe." I admitted. "What? But you two are so...in love." "I know I really do love him but....I'm being like my mum. I'm putting him in front of everything and everyone else....." "That's no reason to break up with him just spend less time with him. I'm a little biased since I'm his sister but he's a really great guy and he loves you a lot! You've changed him Lottie for the better he's always been the jokey easy going type but now he's  starting to be more sensitive. There are things in a realationship you can deal with and this is one of them so don't just give up. " "Thats true, maybe I am being a little to hasty breaking up with him....thanks Zoe. What I don't understand is why you don't want me to break up with Joe? You don't like our relationship do you?" "Well I'm not thrilled about it no! That is my brother at the end of the day and your my adopted daughter so it's a little weird. It would be like me going out with your sister! Ok that was a bad example but..." "How do you know I have a sister?" "Is was in your file the children's home gave us." 


I came home to see Cameron and my sister Felicity on the sofa kissing. "Felicity!" I shouted and she leapt up immediately. "Lottie....I thought you wouldn't be home for another hour." Felicity gasped. "Dance class was cancelled." I told her. "Right, ok. Let's talk about the upstairs. Cameron I'll see you later!" 

"So we're upstairs! Explain!" "Cameron and I have been dating a bit but only for like a week or something..." Felicity said. "That's no excuse he's mums boyfriend not to mention a total idiot!" "He's not! A total idiot that is. I realise he's mums boyfriend but still....Lottie I think I may be falling for him. Just please don't tell mum!" 

Present time: 

"So you mentioned starting real school?" Zoe said breaking into my flashback and bringing me back to present time.  "What? Oh right yes." "Fantastic! I'll enroll you in Brighton Collage straight away! I always wanted you to go to school but some friends of ours who've adopted suggested that it would be to much and we didn't want to upset you." 

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