And they all lived happily ever after

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It was now one year since I'd broken up with Joe but it seemed longer as so much had changed. School was going amazingly well I was getting good grades and I'd also made a good friend. Well I say that but really I just found an old friend. Jackie had been fostered finally and unbelievably her foster family lived in Brighton so she now went to Brighton Collage and although she was a couple of years above me we were still great friends. I'd managed to reconnect with Zoe and Alfie and Joe and I had gotten over the weirdness and now I was just his niece. I didn't have a boyfriend right now but I didn't need one. I was still to nervous to start a YouTube Channel but I'd started a blog which had become really successful and I now had almost a million readers which I knew was partly because of my parents fame but I was still proud of it and it was something to fall back on if being a lawyer didn't work out. Oh didn't I mention? I've decided I want to be a lawyer now and have my eyes set on Harvard law school although Zoe and Alfie don't like this idea as I'd have to move to America. I'd met up with my Felicity and it turns out she had finally got her head screwed on, stopped messing around with Cameron and started her own successful business. Mum was still with Cameron but Felicity said they seemed happy. Things had finally fallen into place so I guess sometimes you can have a happy ending....

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