My new life

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We spent the next morning painting  my new bedroom and unpacking all my new decorations and furniture. "It looks amazing Lottie! You definetly picked out some nice things." Alfie exclaimed. "Yeah it does, I mean I love everything. Your a girl after my own heart." Zoe smiled. "Oh I forgot to mention, I invited Mark round. Is that ok?" She asked. "Yes for sure I'd love to meet him." I smiled. "Actually you probably won't meet him but I can arrange another time for him to meet you. As you know he comes over all the time." Zoe explained. Alfie stared at Zoe questioningly " I didn't know mark was coming." He said. " doesn't matter." Zoe gabbled blushing. What was going on? 

Around 5:30 Mark arrived. We spoke for a couple of minutes and gave each other a quick hug before he ran off to meet Zoe upstairs. "Since those two are busy with YouTube things Zoe suggested we went out. Where do you fancy?" Alfie asked. "What kind of thing do you mean?" I replied. "Anywhere. Out for dinner, the beach with Nala, the pier...." "The pier!" I exclaimed

Alfie and I walked up Brighton pier both hyped for the rides. We went on a couple of rides and came off feeling dizzy so headed for the penny arcade. We played on the two penny machines for a bit then Alfie managed to win the biggest prize for me at one of the games. It was beggining to get really dark and everything was shutting do we ran back down the pier. I clutched the 5ft unicorn toy Alfie had won me as we darted up to a food stall just as they were going to shut. We bought a portions of chips, some candy floss, an ice cream, a crepe AND a small bag of sugar doughnuts to share. "This has been the best night ever!" I laughed. "Agreed. Shall we scare Zoe with the unicorn when we get home?" Alfie suggested. "Won't she be upset?" I asked. "Well we have leftover pier food so if she does then that will make her feel better." 

"Boo!" Alfie and I shouted thrusting the unicorn into the room where we could hear Mark and Zoe talking. Neither of them moved. They were sat bolt upright, pale as ghosts. "Are you two ok?" I asked. "Shall we tell them?" Mark whispered guiltily. Zoe nodded quickly wiping a tear from her eye. "Tell us what?" Alfie demanded. "Well, Alf remember I love you lots ok. Oh and Lottie my sweetheart this won't change anything." Zoe reminded us. "What's going on? Your really freaking me out." I asked. "Mark...and I....are going to.....go on holiday?" Zoe whispered. "And..." Alfie asked knowing that wasn't the end of the story. "We're going to Edinborough as a sort know." "Sort of WHAT?!" Alfie barked. "Couple." Zoe and Mark muttered guiltily in unison. My heart slowly shattered into millions of pieces. I couldn't breath and I realised I hadn't taken a single breath since Zoe had last spoken. Eventually I took a deep breath and with it came a fountain of tears. "Shhh." Zoe whispered soothingly placing her hands on my shoulders  and instructing me on how to get over the shakiness that had taken over my body. Far away I could hear the sound of wailing, it was a horrible squeaky wail that I didn't realise until moments later was coming from me. "Not meaning to be selfish." I squeaked eventually. "But what will happen to me." "Mark and myself would like to adopt you." Zoe admitted. "No!" Alfie boomed. "Your not taking my girlfriend and my beautiful daughter away from me!" "I.." Mark began. "Oh shut up!" Alfie shouted. "Alf!" Zoe gasped. "I want to go home!" I screamed over all the shouting. The room went dead. "You are home." Zoe smiled. "I want to go back to the children's home. The care home. The place where people fight over who ate the last pancake or who borrowed who's hairbrush. Not like this." And with that I stormed out of the house. It was dusk but I didn't feel scared as I knew exactly where to go. I ingnored the fans screaming as I left the house and began walking to Poppy and Sean's. When I arrived at their flat I was soaked from the rain that had began half way through the walk. "Lottie?" Poppy asked shocked. "Where are Zoe and Alfie?" The mention of my former parents names made me start to wail again. I was shaking from the panic but mostly the cold so Poppy sat my down on the sofa and Sean got me a pair of Pops pyjamas and a hot chocolate . I explained exactly what had happened from the pier to running away. "Well walking all the way here in a storm wasn't a fantastic idea but I'm glad you came. Pop and I are always here for you." Sean smiled kindly. I sipped my hot chocolate slowly as I tried to take in what had happened. "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked. "Of course. I'll set you up a little bed on the sofa. Do you want to be alone or shall I call Mum...I mean Amanda and Nick over?" Poppy asked. "Amanda and Nick." I replied in a small voice. Alone time just gave me time to think things over and worry. Sean texted Alfie and Zoe to let them know I was safe and Poppy called Amanda to ask her if she and Nick could come. I snuggled up on the make shift bed Poppy had made me and let my eyelids droop as I waited for a knock at the door. Eventually Amanda arrived explaining that Nick was busy as she sat on the sofa next to me and comforted me until my tears stopped and I fell asleep. 

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