Sleepover with a celebrity

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I got back to the children's home with a grin on my face. I'd got on perfectly with Zoe. We'd  discussed makeup, YouTube, Nala and baking and Alfie and I had got on great as well.  I pulled out my phone to see a text from Zoe. 

Zoe: hey Lottie! Had a great time with you tonight. Zxxx

Me: me too! L<3 

Zoe: we were wondering if you may like you come out with us again. Maybe for a sleepover this time? Would love for you to meet Nala. Zxxx

Me: really? I'd love to!!! 

Zoe: k, will arrange it with Helena. Night x 

Me: night x

So that very weekend I packed the mini rose gold suitcase Jackie had lent me and got back in Zoe's mini ready to spend the weekend with them. "I've taken a day off daily vlogging today." Alfie said  "Because really need to talk to you about something....something important."  "Ok, what?" I asked nervously. "Don't worry it's a good thing. We can discuss it later" Zoe comforted. "So plan for the weekend, I'm thinking shopping today and maybe an evening in with some movies and a takeaway then tomorrow a look around the lanes maybe do a few tourist things and then lunch in choccywoccydoodah before we take you home. " "Sounds perfect!" I exclaimed. 

We got home about 7:00pm after a long day of shopping. Zoe had bought three huge bags of shopping and she'd bought me a black skater skirt from H&M, a bomber jacket from Zara and a silver necklace with my initials on."Thank you so much!" I smiled. "Aww I'm just glad you had a good time." Zoe replied. "Hey! " Alfie called out. "Your back! I've just ordered us a nandos, I wasn't sure what you'd like Lottie so I just ordered loads. Whilst we wait for that, maybe this would be a good time to talk." Alfie  suggested. "Good idea then we'll have the evening free to bake and watch movies." Zoe agreed. "Ok,  You guys are really freaking me out now, what's going on?" I asked. "Well, Zoe and I agreed a while ago that we were ready to have a child." Alfie began. A smile crept across my lips as I thought of what all the Zalfie fans would think of this. "Anyway, it became apparent that having our own child may not be possible so we turned to adoption. We were always nervous with this though that the child may have serious problems or we wouldn't get on with us. When we invited you for dinner we just thought if would be nice as you probably didn't have treats like that very often but we both agreed that we just clicked with you. So we were wondering  if you would like it if....we adopted you." "We've already spoken to Helena and she says that we can start the process straight away if that's what you want. No pressure at all though, this is your decision." Zoe added. Tears rolled down my face. "Since I was little I've always dreamed of being adopted but as I've got older I've just accepted that was never going to happen. Now it may really guys are the loveliest people I've ever met and I couldn't think of better parents." I cried. We all had a huge group hug which Alfie had to break away from half way through as the nandos delivery arrived. I was going to sleep in the guest room but we all ended up falling asleep on the sofa surrounded by nandos and with Friends still playing in the background. 

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