Chapter 2 ~ Once, Twice...

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Finally, the bell had rung, and everyone began taking their seats while they waited for their teacher to enter the room. Sitting in front of Stiles, Emma leans to the side of her desk to take a notebook out of her bag, accidentally knocking a pen onto the floor. Stiles quickly picks it up and when Emma turns around, he hands it back to her. He watches as she smiles once again. "Thank you," she says. Stiles pauses for a moment before speaking. "You're welcome."

The two teenagers stare at each other for a short minute. Neither of them meant to, but for some reason, they couldn't look away. For a moment, it looked as if Emma was about to speak, but suddenly, every phone in the room went off, abruptly ending their little stare off. Stiles took a deep breath. He was happy for the interruption. He didn't know what had gotten into him. The last thing he wanted was Emma thinking he was weird. Well, even more weird than he already was. Stiles looked up while he took his phone out of his pocket, and of course there was Scott turned around in his chair, staring at him with a smirk on his face. He must've seen his and Emma's little exchange.  He shook his head, and as he looked down at his phone, he heard a voice speaking the words he had recieved in the text that was just sent.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky – seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."

A woman, who Stiles assumed was their new teacher, now stood at the front of the class and smiled at all of them. "That is the closing line of the first book we will be reading in this class. That is also the last text message any of you will recieve in my class. Phones off please."

Every student does as she instructed, shutting down their phones before putting them away. The woman continues on, introducing herself as Ms. Blake, explaining to the class what she expects out of them during this first semester. While she's talking, the principal walks in and asks for Scott to come out in the hall. Scott looks at Ms. Blake who nods, indicating that he should go, before getting up and exiting the room. As Ms. Blake begins her lesson, Stiles glances over at Lydia and notices a bandage around her ankle.

"Hey, Lydia," he whispers. She looks at him, with a puzzled look on her face. "Is that from the accident last night?" he asks, pointing to her ankle. Lydia shifts in her chair uncomfortably before answering him. "No. Prada bit me."

Stiles looked confused. "Your dog?"

"No, my designer handbag," Lydia responded, sarcastically. "Yes, my dog."

"Well, has he ever bitten you before?" Stiles asks. Lydia shakes her head no.

"Okay, what if it's like the same thing as the deer? You know, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something."

"Meaning what?" Lydia asks. "There's going to be an earthquake?"

"Or something," he responds. "I just - maybe it means something's coming. Something bad."

Lydia looks at him, unsure. "It was a deer and a dog. What's that thing they say about threes?" she asks. "Once, twice-"

Suddenly, a bird flies right into the window, startling Lydia, Stiles and the rest of the class. Emma looks at the window, then turns to Stiles. "What was that?"

Ms. Blake turns from the blackboard where she was writing. As she walks towards the window, she sees a huge flock of birds flying their way. The birds begin to slam into the glass until a few break through, and suddenly, the window shatters as they all fly into the classroom. Ms. Blake yells at the students to get down as chaos erupts and everyone begins to panic.

Emma screams when a bird flies above her head and tries to tangle itself in her hair. Thinking quickly, Stiles picks up his binder and hits the bird, causing it to fall to the ground. He then reaches for her and Lydia and pulls the girls underneath his desk, trying his best to shield them from the crazed animals.

After a few minutes of terror, everything stops. Stiles cautiously gets up and looks around. All of the birds that had flown into the room were now laying on the floor, dead. Feathers were floating around the room and sticking out of students hair, while blood streaked the walls. Stiles helped Emma up, who was shaking, and sat her down on a desk, before helping Lydia to her feet. 

Everyone was shaken up, especially Ms. Blake. Not the best way to spend your first day of teaching. In the midst of the incident, Stiles' father, the sheriff, arrived. He could tell that his dad was confused as to how exactly something like this happened. While his father began investigating, Stiles stood by Lydia, who was picking feathers out of Emma's hair.

"You have gorgeous hair," Lydia commented. Emma gave Lydia that pretty smile she always seemed to wear. "Thanks. Your hair is wonderful too.'

"I know. It's one of my best assets," Lydia responded, making Emma giggle.

After Sheriff Stilinski got what he needed, the students were allowed to leave class early, but were expected to continue the rest of their day normally. While Stiles grabbed his bag, he noticed that Emma was already gone. Leaving Allison and Lydia behind with Mr. Argent, Allisons father who had arrived at the school after getting word of the incident, Stiles left the room and caught up with Emma in the hallway.

"Hey," he said, falling into step beside her.

"Hey! Thank you."

Stiles gave her a confused look. "Thank you? For what?"

"For stopping that bird from ripping the hair out of my scalp."

"Oh yeah, that." Stiles chuckles to himself. "That wasn't really how you pictured your first day of school going, huh?" Emma shakes her head and looks at him. "Yeah, not really." The two walk down the hall in silence before Stiles speaks again. "You know, it seems like you've been thanking me for a lot of things this morning." Emma looked up at him again. "Well, if you stopped coming to my rescue so much, I wouldn't have to."

"Does that bother you?" Stiles asks with a smirk. "Me helping you out?"

Emma stops and turns towards him, a flirty expression visible on her face. "I'm not complaining."

The two smile at each other while the next bell rings and the hallway is invaded by students.

"Well, listen," Stiles says. "I don't have your next class with you, but I can show you where it is, anyway. I'll try to meet you there after second period, so I can show you how to get to the chemistry room."

Emma made a gesture with her arm and pointed down the hallway. "Lead the way, captain." Stiles laughed and turned on his heel, walking the opposite direction. He turned to face Emma and pointed to the other end of the hall. "The music wing is this way." He laughed again as she ran to catch up to him, her tiny body making it difficult to push through the mass of overgrown teenagers crowding the hallway.


Thanks for reading, you guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue to read as I post more. I know this is kind of boring at the moment, but I promise, it will get more exciting.

I think I'm going to try writing the next chapter in the first person, just to see how it goes. If I like it,  I might keep it that way. Unless, you guys like it better the way it is. Again, let me know.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow so you know when I update again! Until next time, loves.

~ Vanessa

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