Chapter 7 ~ Injured Wolves & Annoying Whistles

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  • Dedicated to Allison (R.I.P.)

Emma's P.O.V.

I should have known better than to think that trouble would keep it's distance from my friends for longer than five minutes. I really should have. But stupid, naive little me should have realized that just because my friends weren't telling me about the supernatural mischief they had gotten themsevles into, didn't mean it wasn't happening. It seems that my group of misfits had been making an effort to exclude me from any of their paranormal rendezvous's in an attempt to keep me out of harms way.

Did they really expect me not to notice?

For the past few days whenever I spoke to any of them, they so obviously dodged any questions I had about the situation with the Alpah pack. But now, sitting on this damned bus with Stiles, Isaac, Scott & Boyd, it was definitely harder for them to hide anything from me.

I peered my head over the side of my seat to get a peak at Scott & Stiles who were sharing the seat in front of mine. Stiles was using an app on his iPad to go over some vocabulary words with Scott.


"Can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asks.

Stiles sighs before manifesting a sentence to use with the word. "It is incongruous that we are going to this meet after everything that just happened last night."

"What happened last night?"

Scott and Stiles jumped, startled by my sudden intrusion in their conversation. It looked as if Stiles was about to say something but Scott interrupted before he could, completely ignoring my question.

"Incongruous: Inappropriate, unsuitable, wrong."

"Correct," Stiles says, also avoiding my question. "Next word. Ah, yes. Darach."

Scott was quiet now, obviously avoiding responding with the meaning. I was thrown as to why Stiles would add that in. I'm sure 'Darach' isn't on that vocabularly list. What happened last night?

I noticed Scott wince in pain as the bus hit a bump on the road. Was he hurt? Did he get into some kind of fight? Is that what Stiles had been talking about?

"I knew it, I knew it. We shouldn't have come," Stiles says.

"It's alright," Scott reassures him. "It only hurts because it was inflicted by an Alpha. It'll heal soon. I'll be fine."

"An Alpha?" I interrupted. "What ha-"

"If that's true," Stiles says, interrupting me once again, "why have Isaac and Boyd already recovered?"

Isaac and Boyd, too? Something big must have went down, and I've got to tell you, I don't like feeling left out. Scott leaned his body against the window, a distant look in his eyes as he gazed out at the road.

"I can't believe he's dead. . ."

"Who's dead?!" I ask aloud as I begin to feel quite annoyed by how vague this two were being. Scott didn't turn to face me when he spoke again. I don't even think he heard me. It was like he was in his own little world.

"I can't believe Derek's dead..." I hear him say.

What the acutal fuck.

"Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?!" I whisper yelled at the both of them, my heart practically beating out of my chest. Did he really just say that Derek's dead? How much did I miss in 24 hours?!  They both looked at me, Scotts face etched in pain while Stiles looked anxious.

"What did you guys do?"

15 Minutes Later

To be honest, I don't really know how to feel about the situation at hand. I've never met Derek, so I can't make myself feel sad about his passing, and from what Stiles has told me, I probably would never have wanted to meet him at all. But he was special to Scott, and right now, he's hurting bad. Not just physically, but emotionally too. 

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