Chapter 18 ~ The Nemeton

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Emma's P.O.V.   

Twenty four hours have passed since the incident at the hospital. I haven't heard anything from anyone since Isaac helped Lydia and I escape. I had a lot of explaining to do to my parents when I got home, which wasn't easy. I couldn't tell them the whole truth; it's not like they would understand what a Darach is or why Alpha werewolves want it dead. So I altered the story just a tiny bit so they wouldn't think I am completely insane. Of course they freaked out about the whole "My teacher tried to kill me" thing, but at least they know nothing about werewolves and the fact that I'm friends with a few.

They did try to keep me home from school today but I convinced them to let me go. If I stayed home, I would be out of the loop about what's going on. At first I thought I was the only one who decided to show up this morning, but then Lydia sent me a text saying to meet her at her locker, so now I know I'm not alone.

Closing my own locker, I make my way down the hall and turn the corner to see Lydia exactly where she said she'd be, but she isn't alone. Stiles is with her, and he looks distraught. His eyes are fixed on his phone, the distressed look on his face suggesting something is wrong. Suddenly, he drops it and turns to look around him quickly. I can hear Lydia asking him if he's alright as I get closer, but instead of responding, he suddenly takes off down the hallway. 

Lydia and I race after him, bumping into other students as we go. We end up at the boys locker room and find Stiles hyperventilating on the floor. 

"Is this a panic attack?" Lydia asks as she settles herself on the ground next to him.

I nod my head as I sit down too. "I think so."

Stiles wheezes, clutching his chest. "I can't - I can't -"

"Alright, just think about something else," Lydia urges. "Happy things, good things, friends, family." She shakes her head vigorously after she realizes what she said. "Oh gosh, not family."

I decide to try a different method. I grab his hand and lace it with mine. "Stiles, breathe slowly."

He shakes his head, his breath coming out in short gasps. "I can't."

Thinking quickly, I get closer to him and place my hands on either side of his face. "Look at me, Stiles."

He listens, his eyes meeting mine as he looks at me. In one short second, I close the distance between us, and smash my lips against his. I linger longer than I should, but I have to be sure this works. I hear Lydia clear her throat loudly, so I reluctantly pull away, but only slightly.

Stiles' face is millimeters away from me after the kiss ends. His eyes search mine frantically, and I can't help but notice that he's no longer hyperventilating.

"How'd you know to do that?" he asks.

"When I had a panic attack, you told me to hold my breath and when I did, it was over," I explained. "So with that in mind, when I kissed you, you held your breath."

Stiles kept staring at me, his eyes full of admiration. "That was really smart."

I smile softly and shake my head. "If I was really smart, I'd tell you to sign up for a few sessions with the guidance counselor."

"What was all that about anyway?" Lydia asks. "What caused you to freak out like that?"

Stiles looks down at his hands, sighing. "Allison's dad was taken."

"Oh no," I mumble.

"That's three," he continues. "She's got everyone now."

The room grows quiet as the three of us sit there, trying to think of what to do next. Suddenly, Stiles gasps and glances over at Lydia, his eyes wide.

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