Chapter 12 ~ Stolen Moments

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Emma's P.O.V.    

This is not real.  

Those are the words I kept repeating over and over in my head all morning. I've been trying to convince myself that everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours was a dream and nothing has changed. Too bad that's not the case, and my wishful thinking will not make anything better.

Boyd is dead. I was there when it happened. I really wish I hadn't been. The images keep playing back in my head the same way. Derek's claws digging into Boyd's stomach. The mixed expression of horror and shock on Derek's face. Cora sobbing over Boyd's lifeless body. It was such a terrible night.

Boyd and I weren't even that close. We had known each other for a while but I never really developed a friendship with him the way I did with the others. Despite that, I still feel an ache in the pit of my stomach. Not a painful one, but the kind that really bothers you because it won't go away.

Losing Boyd is like when you lose a neighbor. You get so used to seeing that person day in and day out. You see them walking their dog, checking their mail, buying groceries at the market. Whenever you cross each others path you always nod politely or say hello. That person is in your daily routine. Then suddenly out of nowhere they are gone. Dead. And you feel sad because you knew them. They were alive just like you and then out of the blue, the fates decide to take them away, and you just feel sad.

Being in school only makes it worse. Nobody knows what we know. No one knows we saw our classmate, our friend, die right in front of our eyes. 

I can't stand being anywhere near Ethan and Aiden. Just hearing their names makes my blood boil. I don't know how they can even show their faces here after what happened last night.

None of my friends will talk about it, even though I know they want to say something. It's been abnormally silent amongst our little group. That's why I am spending my lunch period in Ms. Blake's room working on extra credit assignments. The silence is too awkward and it's killing me.

Ms. Blake was surprised I asked for extra credit because according to her, I have the highest grade out of all of her students. I told her I just needed a distraction after everything that happened and she understood. Luckily for me she wanted to go eat her lunch in the teachers lounge and left me all by myself in her classroom, which was fine by me. She was there last night when Boyd was killed and it would feel awkward being in a room with just the two of us at the moment. Ms. Blake wasn't very good at being alone with any of my friends, actually. I guess she feels weird knowing what she knows and having all of us as her students.

I was so engrossed by my work that I did not notice Stiles walk into the room. When I looked up, he was leaning over my desk gazing right at me. I haven't been alone with Stiles since my panic attack episode last week. I still haven't forgotten what it felt like to have him hold me the way he did. It was a nice feeling and now everytime I see him, my stomach flutters.

"Ms. Blake told me you were in here," Stiles said, plopping his butt in the desk ahead of mine.
"I brought you some food." He pushed a plate of chicken strips and fries in my direction. "We all know how irritated you get if you're hungry."

"Thanks," I replied, picking up a fry and nibbling on it. "I'll eat once I finish this worksheet."

Stiles stole one of my fries and looked at me weirdly. "Why are you doing extra credit anyway? Your English grade is even better than mine."

"I just didn't feel like being with everyone right now. I feel like none of us know how to be around each other after what happened." I left my seat at that point and walked to the other side of the room, deciding to sit on the window sill.

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