Chapter 19 ~ Anchor

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Emma's P.O.V.    


That's all I've been doing for the past twelve hours; waiting. 

My eyes ache from exhaustion, my stomach sounds like a lion that hasn't been fed in months, and my butt is sore from sitting in the worlds most uncomfortable chair for over five hours.

Isaac and Lydia are almost as bad off as me, except that they managed to go to sleep somehow. I can't. My mind won't let me. I keep thinking, and worrying, and thinking some more. Today has gone in a completely different direction than I thought it would. Then again, when does anything go the way I want it too?

I met Deaton for the first time earlier today, and he informed me that he could help us. First, he intercepted Stiles being interrogated by that strange guy in a suit. Turns out he is with the FBI and he was asking Stiles questions about his fathers disappearance. He obviously couldn't tell him the truth, so he dodged his questions with his usual amount of sarcasm.

Afterwards, Deaton took Stiles and I back to the animal clinic where we met up with Allison and Isaac. Allison said that her father claimed not to remember where the Nemeton is located. Then Deaton left with Stiles to find Scott, and when they came back, he explained that there was another way to find out where the Nemeton is, but that the process would be dangerous.

In order for it to work, Allison, Stiles, and Scott would have to die as surrogate sacrifices for their parents, which would not only respark the Nemeton and draw more supernatural creatures to Beacon Hills, but it would also leave a permanent mark of darkness around their hearts.

Despite the dangers of it all, they agreed, which is why we're here now.

Stiles, Allison, and Scott's bodies are submerged in tubs full of ice water that sat in the middle of the room. Deaton explained that the most important part of this process was having an anchor. Someone who could not only hold them under, but pull them back. They had to be emotionally attached to each other in order to ensure that they come back safely.

I don't know why I was surprised when Deaton told me to go with Stiles. I care about him deeply. I guess I just thought because we've only known each other a few months, he'd tell Lydia to go with him instead. But that wasn't the case.

Now as I sit here waiting for him to come back to me, I can't help but think about everything we've been through together and smile. Besides the never ending danger we seem to face, Stiles and I have shared some wonderful moments together. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come back.

I'll miss seeing his face everyday. I'll miss the smell of his cologne, and his plaid shirts, and that pair of red pants he seems to like so much. I'll miss the way my hand feels in his when he holds it, how warm his body feels when he holds me, and how soft his lips feel against mine when we kiss. I'll miss his laugh, and his saracastic remarks. I'll miss how witty and smart he is, and how he always seems to get us out of the toughest situations when no one else can.

I'll miss everything about him.

My eyelids start to feel heavy as I continue to think of all of the things that makes Stiles so special to me, and why I need him to come back safely. I try to get more comfortable in my chair, leaning my head on the arm rest. My thoughts stay with Stiles as I drift off to sleep.

4 Hours Later  

"Emma. Emma, wake up."

My mind is fuzzy, the remenants of my last dream being chased away as I realize that someone is trying to wake me. When I open my eyes, Stiles' face is hovering over mine, his hair lying flat against his head and dripping with water.

I blink once. Then I blink again. "Is this real or am I dreaming?"

A chuckle escapes his body as his lips formed a smile, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life. "This is completely real," he reassures me. "We're back."

I wrap my arms tightly around him, not really caring that he is soaking wet from being underwater for so long. "I was so worried."

He pulls away, and gives me a quick kiss. "Well, I'm here now. There's no need to worry anymore."

"Still, I was worried that I wouldn't be enough to bring you back," I mumble.

Stiles shakes his head as his hand caresses my face. "You are so silly," he says. "You're more than enough. I'm crazy about you, Emma. With everything we've been through, I've realized just how much I need you in my life. We've always been each others anchor, and we always be."

Smiling, I lean over to kiss him once more. His lips feel cold against mine, but as he deepens the kiss, I forget about that. Knowing that the others are waiting for us, I reluctantly pull away. We'll have to finish this later.

"What did you find out?" I ask.

"Our parents are being held in the root cellar," he says as he pulls me to my feet. "But we've only got four hours to get them back."

"We better get moving then."

Stiles captures my hand in his, and we join the others in the next room. Now that everyone is back, it's time to jump into action. Jennifer's reign of terror is about to come to an end.

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