Chapter 5 ~ Secrets

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Emma's P.O.V.

 After what felt like a long and tiring week of school, I was highly disappointed when I realized that it was only Wednesday. Honestly, the beginning of the week is the toughest to get through. At least there's only two more days until the weekend. Then I can sleep the entire time and wake up in tears when it's Monday again.

At the moment I was buckling myself into my car and preparing to go to the store. My mom had asked me to take a break from my homework to pick up a few things we needed. I didn't mind. I'd do anything to get away from trigonometry. As I drove down the street, I couldn't help but notice that Beacon Hills really isn't as small as I thought it was. You could actually consider it to be a tiny city. Besides the high school, there were four elementary level schools, two intermediate schools, the middle school, five preschool/day care facilities, two other high schools and three private schools for kids who's parents could afford it. A few churches were scattered over town, along with some cemeteries, three banks, the post office, the town library, and the hospital. Downtown was livelier than any other part of town. There were a couple grocery stores and pharmacies, like CVS, several restaurants, clothing stores, a car dealership, and a bunch of family owned businesses. No wonder why Beacon Hills was such a thriving little place. It had so much to offer people. If it wasn't for those businesses, I'm sure it would be a ghost town.

After fifteen minutes, I had arrived at my destination. Getting out of the car, I took a glance at the list my mother wrote for me. Milk, cheese, eggs, diapers, toilet paper, ect. Just some basic items. As soon as I got inside, I noticed the store was pretty empty. Besides me, there was only about six people shopping. Two employees were working the registers and the store manager was sweeping the floor. I shrugged grabbing the nearest basket and began strolling through the aisles in search of the stuff I needed. Finding everything wasn't too difficult seeing as though I had been here a couple of times before. When I was finished, I looked over the list once more to make sure I didn't forget anything. 

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering filled my ears. Someone in the store screamed and the few people around me started running. Confused, I turned and looked towards the front of the store. Immediately, I understood why they were so frightened. Standing in front of the now broken window was something I had never seen before in my life. The creature was on all fours, growling loudly. Hair was growing out of random parts of it's body, including it's face, and it's eyes were shockingly red.  It kept it's head down but if you looked closely, it resembled a human. Whatever it was, it was big, hairy, and the scariest thing I ever had the misfortune of seeing. 

The creature growled loudly and narrowed it's eyes on the store manager who had been on a ladder fixing a light bulb that blew. He must have been too scared to move because he was the only one in the beasts view, which was unfortunate because at that exact moment, the creature leaped up and attacked him.

The other people saw this as their opportunity to run and get the hell out of here while that thing was preoccupied. The poor mans screaming had subsided and I feared he was dead. If I stayed any longer, I would be too. With my heart practically beating out of my chest, I tried to descretley make my escape but unfortunately, I hadn't been as quick as the others. The monster was breathing heavily, leaning over the limp body of the store manager, not moving an inch. Knowing there was no way I could get out without him catching me, I looked for a place to hide. As I backed up slowly, the beast stood on two legs, it's back still turned to me. Now that he was standing, I was certain that this thing was human in some way, which only confused me more.

At this point, there was tons of space between the creature and myself. But I knew that he could easily change that. He was oddly still and that only frightened me more. I had a terrible feeling that he would attack any second now. Behind me was a utility closet, it's door ajar. Quickly, I slipped inside, being careful to shut the door quietly. 

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