Chapter 15 ~ The Girls Who Knew Too Much

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Emma’s P.O.V.

This night could have ended in many different ways.

It could have ended with Stiles kissing me good night after our first date.

It could have ended with me ignoring the random text I got from Stiles saying that he needed to talk to me ASAP, and staying backstage with the band members so we could perform our concert for the losses in our community.

It could have even ended with me blowing off the stupid concert so I wouldn't have to cancel my long awaited date with Stiles and kissing him till our lips turned blue.

Instead, tonight ends with Lydia and I bound to chairs in the dark of Ms. Blake’s classroom.

And it could very well be our last night alive.


“Why do you look so upset?”

Stiles was leaning against the locker next to mine as I got my books for the day. I didn't mean to be visibly upset, but at the moment I couldn't help it. The school band had an emergency meeting this morning. Apparently, our director thought it would be a good idea for the band to put on a concert for our community to show support for anyone affected by the losses our town has suffered recently. And of course, he decided the concert should be tonight. The same night as my date with Stiles. As a member of the band, I have to perform, so there is no getting out of this no matter how much I want to.

“I have to cancel our date tonight,” I said, turning to face him, feeling even more disappointed as the words came out of my mouth.

“I know,” Stiles replied. “Danny told me about the concert.”

“I’m sorry, Stiles.”

“Don’t be. We’ll just reschedule.”

“I don’t want to reschedule,” I mumbled as I grabbed his hand. Stiles closed my locker and kept my hand in his as he guided me down the hallway, and pulled me into an empty classroom, closing the door behind him.

“Is this our thing now?” I asked as he looked at me. “Having little rendezvous in vacant classrooms?”

Stiles shrugged, a smirk forming on his face. “It can be.”

He came closer to me, and placed his hands on my hips. Suddenly, I felt a giddy feeling bubble up inside me as he looked me up and down, his eyes stopping at my lips. I can tell he wants to kiss me, but he seems to be hesitating. We haven’t shared a kiss since that night on his front porch, and it wasn't until now that I realized how badly I wanted to kiss him again. His grip on my waist got tighter as he leaned in and gingerly brushed his lips against mine as if he was testing the waters of a cool lake before diving in. When he leaned in a second time, he kissed me without holding anything back. My hands roamed through his hair as I leaned my body against him, completely captivated by the feeling of having his lips on mine again. I could hear the bell ring, signaling that it was time to get to class, but we didn't stop. Stiles only kissed me harder, his mouth moving urgently as if he was rushing to finish what he had started. Although I could have let the moment go on forever, I pulled away from the kiss, but stayed close, continuing to run my hands through his hair. Stiles groaned the minute my lips left his, and I giggled at the cute, pouty expression on his face.

“I really don’t want to cancel our date,” I said. This time Stiles giggled at me as I mimicked his pout from before.

“I promise that we will go out tomorrow,” he replied. “I’m not going to let this go.”

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