Chapter 21 ~ Happy Endings

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Emma's P.O.V.   

My head is pounding. My hands are shaking. My heart is beating out of my chest. I look over at Stiles and cringe. He's unconscious, his head gushing with blood as he lays slumped over in his seat.

It happened so fast. One minute we were on the road, the next we were slamming into a tree. I don't even know how it happened. But that doesn't matter now. All I can think of is Stiles.

Unbuckling my seat belt, I lean over to inspect his wound. It doesn't look as bad up close, but it still might need stitches.

"Stiles? Stiles, can you hear me?" I ask.

He lays still, not responding to the sound of my voice. I can hear his breathing, but it's shallow which makes me start to worry. I start shaking him, pulling on his arm, anything to get him to wake up.

"Stiles, please! Come on, Stiles, we need to find your dad! Wake up!"

Thunder clapped loudly as flashes of lightning light up the sky. The wind blows so roughly that branches from the tree we had crashed into fall to the ground. Stiles is still not responding. I have to get him to wake up. We need to get out of here.

Turning away from him, I kick open the door on my side and hop out. I rush over to Stiles' door, and yank it open. Unbuckling his seat belt, I place his arm on my shoulder and pull on him as hard as I can. Stiles is so much bigger than me that I can barely move him. But I have to keep trying. Maybe I can gather up enough strength to drag him to the reserve.    

The storm gets stronger as I continue to try and pull Stiles from the car. Suddenly, I feel his arm grip my waist. A groan escapes his mouth.

"Emma," he mumbles.

I grab his face in my hands as his body leans back against the seat again. "Stiles, it's me. I'm right here."

His eyes open slightly, meeting mine as he blinks to regain his vision. "My head," he mutters. His hand lingers on his forehead as he takes in his surroundings. He gasps when he sees the tree laying on the front of his car, then gazes at me intently.

"Oh God, Emma, I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I say, reassuring him. "But we can worry about that later. Right now, we have to get to the reserve. The others are waiting for us."

I help Stiles out of the car. He groans when his feet hit the ground, and he has to lean on me for support for a few seconds, but after that he seems to be able to steady himself. In fact, it appears he's got a second wind of determination as he reaches into the backseat and pulls out his bat, grabs my hand and leads me through the woods. We walk as quickly as we can despite the amount of pain we are in, and try to figure out how to get to the reserve from where we are.

It's a struggle at first, but in a matter of seconds, Stiles assesses the area, realizing that he's been here before, and manages to find the path to the reserve.

Our feet beat down on the path as we run to find our friends. My hand tightens around his as we get closer. I can see the tree stump, and the entrance to the root cellar. Stiles rushes forward, bat in hand, and leans close to entrance.

Standing next to him, I can hear voices. But I also hear what sounds like walls crumbling. Stiles rushes inside, sliding down the path. I slip in after him, cutting my arm on the way down. 

I was right about walls crumbling. The whole cellar is coming down. It would be just our luck to find everyone and die during the rescue. But before the entire thing comes down, Stiles shoves his aluminum bat under the final beam that was on the verge of collapsing. Suddenly, the whole cellar stops shaking and everything gets quiet. 

Stiles smiles as he sees his father inces away from him. "That was close," he says.

I feel my heart leap for joy as his dad pulls him close and they embrace. Isaac lets out the breath he was holding, and Allison's smile is even bigger than mine as she hugs her father.

"Hey, I think the storm is over," Melissa says.

I look where she's pointing. There's an opening in the cellar from the crumbling walls, and through it, I see the tiniest bit of sunshine coming through, with no sign of rain.

"I think you're right," I conclude. "It's over!"

It's hugs all around as we begin to rejoice, reveling in the fact that our torment has come to an end. We don't need to be there to know for sure. Scott's defeated Jennifer. All is well once again.

At that moment, Stiles' phone rings, and he answers in a chipper voice, putting the call on speaker.

"Stiles, it's over," I hear Scott say. "I'm on way now."

Stiles smiles wide. "Yeah well, bring a ladder."

Two Days Later   

A couple days have gone by since Scott defeated the Darach. As I stand at my locker and gather my things for class, I go over everything that has happened in my head once more.

Scott and Stiles have said that they feel the darkness Deaton said they would. Scott described it as looking into "the heart of an immense darkness". That sounds frightening to me, but he has assured me that with his friends around, me included, he'll be able to find the light.

Derek and Cora left town. After all that they've been through, I don't blame them. Scott says he's not sure if Derek will ever come back, which makes me kind of sad. Even though he's grumpy, he's still an integral part of our group, and nothing will be the same without him.

That FBI agent from before turned out to be Scott's dad. It's a pretty sore subject for him to talk about considering his father left when he was young, and he's not too crazy about him being back now. Apparently, he wants to be a part of his life again, but Scott's not having it.

Allison and her father have come up with a new code. It says "Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger leurs-même," which means "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Lydia has started flirting with Aiden again, and Ethan and Danny have begun their own relationship.

And then there's me, and my undefined relationship with Stiles. It's not completely undefined. I mean, you could technically say he's my boyfriend, but I'm not sure. With everything that happened, we never really got to define the relationship to each other, and I don't know why, but I'm too nervous to ask him myself.

Speaking of Stiles, when I peer down the hall, I can see him with Scott, who looks really happy for once. Stiles' smile grows bigger when he catches my gaze. I watch him and Scott go their seperate ways as he makes his way over to me.

The butterflies in my stomach flutter like they've just ingested five cups of coffee and are on a caffeine high. He leans on the locker next to mine and peers down at me, the smile never leaving his face.

"So," he begins.

"Soooo. ." I respond, drawing out a couple of extra o's.

His smile turns into a smirk, as his hand finds mine, our fingers entertwining. "How about that date?"

I feel my cheeks bloom with color as I turn away. So this is how we wants to play it, huh? I shut my locker then face him again, my own smile growing as we kept gazing at each other.

"How about you walk me to class, and we'll talk?" I say.

Stiles bends down to kiss my cheek, then grabs the books from my arms. As we walk to class, I tell him about my weekend, and he tells me about his. My hand captures his free one again, and he grasps it tightly, never letting it go until we arrived to our first period and found our seats. Even then we stayed close, glancing over at each other every once in a while during the teacher's lesson.

My heart is soaring, and I realize that it's been a while since any of us have been this genuinely happy. It is honestly the best feeling in the world, and I hope that for all of our sakes, it is everlasting.


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