Chapter 6 ~ Boys & Babies

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Emma's P.O.V.

I layed nested in a cocoon of blankets on top of my bed, cuddling into my favorite pillow. After the traumatic events that took place the night before, my parents had allowed me to stay home from school and relax. To my surprise, I wasn't as terrified as I should be about the fact that I almost got ripped to shreds last night. What was making me most anxious was the disturbing secrets I had discovered about my new friends.

Werewolves, hunters, kanimas, darachs... I imagine the list goes on and on. This changes everything. Not my friendship with Scott, Stiles, and the others, but the way I thinks about life. Everything I had grown up to believe was a tall tale, could possibly be real. It was all too mind-boggling.

What I really wanted to know was how could my friends live like this? How did they go about their every day lives pretending everything was normal? How do they keep it all a secret from the rest of the town? Does anybody else know? And what does it mean for me now that I know what they are? Am I going to be dragged into this? Am I in danger?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the familar sound of an infants cry coming from the baby monitor I had on my nightstand. Looking at the time on my phone, I realized it had been almost two hours since my mom had put my baby sister to sleep again. It was definitely time for her to wake up now. My parents asked me to watch over the baby while I was home. My father had to go to work and my mom had errands to run all day, so it would just be the two of us. Sitting up in my bed, I stared out of my window intently, watching my curtains blow in the morning air. My mind wandered back to my friends. What if they get hurt? I thought. How do they survive?

I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head. I had to stop thinking about these things. That was the whole reason I stayed home today. To get my mind off of that stuff. I did know one thing for sure, though. I will stick by my friends because, well, what else can I do? But, I definitely am not ready or willing to become involved with the supernatural.

Stiles' P.O.V.

"I haven't seen her all day," Scott said as he took a seat next to me in Coach Finstock's classroom. We had noticed Emma didn't show up to school this morning.

"Yeah well, she's not answering her phone either," I replied, tucking my phone back into my pocket. "I hope she's alright.."

"I'm sure she's fine. Last night was a rough night for her," Scott says reassuringly. "She probably just needs to chill."

I knew he was most likely right. Emma had found out more than she wanted to last night and her head was probably ready to explode from confusion.  But I'd still feel better if she was here.

"I'm going to check on her after school," I decide.

"And what are you gonna say when you get there? I'm sure if she's staying home to get her mind off of whatever went on last night, we are the last people she's going to want to see," Scott interjects. "Besides, you've never even been to her house. How are you going to get her address?"

"I'll find a way," I say. "And if she asks why I'm there, I'll just say I'm dropping off the work she missed today. I'm sure she'd appreciate that."

"Why exactly are you doing this?"

I gave him an exasperated look. "She's our friend, Scott," I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Friends make sure their other friends are okay."

"Mhmm," Scott says with a knowing smile.


Once school had ended, I rushed to my car and qucikly pulled out of the parking lot, following the directions I had aquired from the schools secretary to get to Emma's house. I made sure to get the work she had missed from some of our classess so it wouldn't look like I was dropping by just to see if she was alright, even though that is exactly what I was doing.

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