Chapter 3 ~ Virgins, Alphas, & Druids

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Stiles P.O.V.

This past week has been an extremely crazy one, which isn't unusual considering what usually goes on in this town. I'm surprised I haven't suffered multiple panic attacks and dropped dead yet. As I drove down the familiar road that lead to the school, I couldn't help but think about the events that took place last week. First, Scott and Derek had to rescue Boyd and Cora, Derek's younger sister who we thought was dead, from a vault in an abandoned bank where they were held hostage by the Alpha pack. The vault was made out of a special material that scattered the moonlight, preventing Boyd and Cora from shifting. They went three months without feeling the moonlight and that caused them to become ravenous, their urge to kill stronger than ever. They escaped the vault when Allison went to save Derek and Scott and everyone had a field day trying to track them down to prevent them from harming anyone.

If that wasn't bad enough, a girl I grew up with was murdered. Heather. Our mothers had been close friends. I went to nursery school with that girl. She turned 17 recently and invited Scott and I to her party. I had no idea she had intentions of losing her virginity that night, but when she offered, I wasn't gonna turn her down. I mean, come one. When does someone like me get a chance like that? Practically never. So after I jacked a box of her brothers condoms, who has an abnormally large... blessing.. I was pretty surprised when I got back and she was no where to be found. I thought she had gone some where with her friends, but it turns out she was missing, and later, she turned up dead. Along with her, was a lifeguard Lydia had found dead at the local pool. To top that off, she had no recollection of how she got there.

Luckily, I sort of figured out why all of these murders are happening. While I was in the morgue with Melissa, she mentioned that there were three causes of death on both of the victims that were found - strangulation, exsanguation through a cut in the throat, and a massive blow to the head. That is called a Threefold Death, which is only performed for the purpose of human sacrifice. Along with that, I found out that every victim was a virigin. Virgin sacrifices. And whoever is doing this, isn't finished. Which means a lot of asses are on the line, including mine. I can't help but feel more at risk than anybody considering the fact that I'm, unfortunaltly, still very much a virgin. 

But of course, now isn't the time to rack my brain for answers to our newest threat. Now, it's time to go to school. I pulled up into the school parking lot, parking my car right next to Scott's bike. Grabbing my bag, I stepped out, searching the crowd of students for my best friend. Instead of finding Scott, I spotted Emma climbing out of her own vehicle. She seemed to be adjusting well to the area. She also seemed to like our company, which is good because I, along with the others, enjoyed hers. Emma saw me as she passed by and waved, smiling. I waved back, sighing as I watched her go inside. It must be nice to be completely oblivious to all of the evil surrounding this godforsaken town.

Emma's P.O.V.

It's kind of ironic how the weather can be so beautiful after everything that's happened recently, I thought to myself as I made my way inside the school. I mean, several people have turned up dead in a matter of days, and to be honest, I'm getting pretty freaked out. I didn't think a small town like this would have so many deaths. And not normal, everyday, deaths, but murders. And no matter how much I don't want to think about it, I can't escape it. It's all anyone can talk about in school. But, I have to admit, it's nice that they have their minds focused on something else other than me. My first week here was great for the most part, but the amount of attention people give you when you're completely new to town is overwhelming, especially the boys. Don't get me wrong, it's flattering for sure. Having boys I barely know talk to me, ask for my number, or show an interest in hanging out is any girls dream. But, I've never understood exactly what makes me so appealing to them. I mean, I know I'm not ugly by a long shot, but I don't think I'm the prettiest girl that ever lived either. Although, several of the guys I've met would argue against that.

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