Chapter 16 ~ Not a Damsel, Nor a Hero

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Emma's P.O.V. 

 Beep . . . Beep . . . Beep . . .   

The smell of rubbing alcohol infiltrated my nose while a constant beeping noise sounded through the air. My eye lids were heavy which made it difficult to open and look around, so I kept them shut and didn't move.

I must be in the hospital. . 

The last thing I remember was hearing Scott's roar, and then. . everything went black. But what happened after that? Is everyone alright? Did they capture Ms. Blake? My mind raced with thoughts of what could have happened while I was unconscious. Being confined to a hospital bed isn't going to help me figure any of this out. Slowly, I opened my eyes, groaning inwardly as a bright light burned my retinas. My vision still blurry, I took in my surroundings as best as I could. From where I lay, I could make out two figures across from my bed. One was standing, and the other looked like they were laying on their own hospital cot. I heard them speaking to each other quietly, and I automatically recognized their voices. It was Lydia and Melissa. They were speaking in hushed, frantic tones.

A second later my vision cleared, making their faces more visible. They did not seem to notice that I was awake. They kept their conversation going. As they talked, I glanced towards the door, which was left open, and was immediately confused by what I saw.

Patients were being taken from their rooms by hospital staff members. Everyone was moving quickly and seemed to be in a bit of a panic. What is happeneing here? I looked back over at Melissa and Lydia, and tried my best to make out what they were saying to each other. They have to know something.

"Why haven't we been evacuated yet?" Lydia asked quietly.

"The evacuation is ongoing, and we will get you out of here as soon as possible," Melissa responded.

"What evacuation?" I asked, my voice cracking as I spoke.

The two gasped in surprise when they heard my voice, then turned around to look at me.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, then spoke again. "What's going on?"

Before either one of them answered, Lydia stepped out of bed and rushed towards me. She quickly enveloped me in a hug, and I hugged her back.

"I was so worried," she said. "It felt like you were out for days."

When she pulled away, I noticed the marks around her neck. They must be from when Ms. Blake choked her. Suddenly, my hand flew up to my own neck, feeling for anything that suggested I had been attacked as well. Sure enough, I could feel exactly where the garrote had done it's damage. My eyes searched Lydia's as we stared at each other.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded slowly. "If alive means alright, then yeah."

"Are my parents here?" I glanced over at Melissa who was fixing my blanket.

"No," she answered. "The storm is making it hard to get anyone on the phone."

"Storm? Is that why the hospital is being evacuated?"

Melissa nodded. "The storm is causing power outages all over the county so we have to get the patients to a safer place where they can be tended to properly."

At that very moment, the lights began to flicker rapidly and thunder rumbled through the air. Flashes of lightning were visible through the window. Someone in the hallway was calling Melissa's name frantically, so she made a mad dash for the door.

Before she could step outside, she turned to face us. "I promise that I will get you girls out soon." And with that, she was gone.

Sighing, I leaned into my pillow and rested my head. "Where is Scott and Stiles?"

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