Chapter 9 ~ After Dark

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Stiles' P.O.V.   

"What do we do now?"

Allison, Isaac, Scott, Lydia, and I were all sitting in Scott's living room trying to figure out the Derek situation. After the terrible night at the Glen Capri, Ethan informed Scott that it's very possible that Derek is still alive. And if that's true, he's in danger. Kali is furious that Ennis didn't make it and will go after Derek if he is found.

Scott called us all here this afternoon to discuss our next plan of action. Personally, I think Derek is a lost cause, but the wolves have this annoying sense of loyalty, so it looks like we're going to stop at nothing to find him.

"I think the best thing to do is to split up," Lydia suggests. "Derek is out there somewhere and we'll find him faster this way. Allison and I can check out his family's old house, and you boys go look at his apartment."

"That's a good idea, Lydia," Scott says. "Call us if you find anything."

"Same to you."

The girls left in Allison's car, and Isaac and Scott joined me in mine. There was an intense amount of tension in the air as we rode to Derek's apartment in silence. Isaac and Scott have really been worried about Derek and the Alpha pack's threats weren't helping anything. On top of that, the Darach is bound to strike again soon and this whole situation is a huge distraction. Innocent people are going to die again, Derek is probably already dead, and the Alpha's want to rip our throats out. It's one big circle of death surrouding all of us and nobody's safe.

"So, where's Emma?" Isaac asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Scott chimes in. "I haven't heard from her since we got back from the cross country meet. Is she going back to pretending the supernatural doesn't exist?"

"I'm not sure," I replied as we pulled into the parking lot of Derek's apartment building. "I texted her that we were all meeting up, but she said she was busy and I didn't want to bother her."

As soon as I parked the car, Scott and Isaac jumped out and ran inside the building, me following shortly behind. When we got to Derek's apartment, we stood in front of the door, too nervous to go any further.

Scott stared at me anxiously and I jerked my head towards the door, motioning for him to go inside. Isaac then took it upon himself to knock, causing Scott and I to glare at him like the big idiot he is.

"Really?" I ask. "You just barge into his place when he's alive, but now that he's possibly dead, you decide to obtain some manners?" I shoved the door open and the boys followed me as I walked inside. 

"Derek?" Scott called out, but there was no response. Isaac pointed in two different directions, indicating that we should split up, so we went our seperate ways and began our search.

We turned that apartment upside down and inside out, but there was absolutely no sign of Derek. It actually looked like his bed had been slept in, but it could've been left like that from before the fight.

"What now?" Isaac asks.

"We should probably call the girls and ask if they found anything," Scott answers.

"You were never going to find him here anyway, you know."

Scott, Isaac, and I jumped at the sound of another voice joining us. Peter was standing in the doorway with Cora who looked rather tired and sad. It appeared she hadn't slept in awhile.

"It's been four days you insolent children," Peter spoke, belittling us. "If Derek found his way back here, he wouldn't have kept you out of the loop."

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