Chapter 20 ~ The Crash

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Stiles' P.O.V.   

"Scott, please don't go back with them."

I stood in the middle of Deaton's office with my best friend who, after everything, was about to go back to the very same people he left with the night before. Scott has somehow convinced himself that we can't do this without the Alpha pack.

"I don't have a choice, Stiles," he says. "We made a deal."

"Yeah, well your deal is starting to sound a lot like a deal with the devil!"

Scott shakes his head. "We can't defeat Jennifer without Deucalion's help." He looked at me with a somber expression, then left the clinic without looking back.

Emma turned to look at Deaton. "Can't you say something to him? He'll listen to you."

He sighs. "Sometimes circumstances require you ally yourself with people you can't trust, but can use to your advantage," he explains. "In this case, I believe Deucalion could be the bait we need to capture Jennifer."

"Yeah well, bait or not, this plan sucks," Emma states.

The bell hanging over the entrance rings, and to my surprise, Ethan walks through the door. I pull Emma closer to me as he approaches us.

"I'm not going to hurt anyone," he says.

Deaton's eyes narrow into slits as he gazes coldly at him. "Then why are you here?"

"I need Lydia's help. She's the only one who can talk Aiden out of helping Kali kill Derek."


My hands grip the steering wheel of my Jeep tightly as I speed down the road to my house. After Lydia left with Ethan, Scott called and asked me to bring him something that belongs to my father so he can track his scent. Emma's coming with me, only because I don't want her to be left alone with the wrong people. At least if she's with me I won't have to worry if she's safe or not.

"What do you think I should give him?" I peer over at Emma who was fidiling with her phone.

"Maybe a pair of socks," she suggests.

"How about boxers?" Emma stares at me like I've grown three extra eyes. 

"What?" I exclaim.

"You can't be serious," she says.

I shrug my shoulders as I focus on the road again. "Don't you think Scott'll pick up a better scent if he gets a whiff of . . you know."

Emma gags, hitting me in the back of the head as she texts Scott. "Stiles, that is the grossest thing you have ever said to me."

"It was an honest suggestion!"

A couple of minutes later, I pull into the driveway and put the car in park. Emma waits for me while I go through my fathers things. A storm is brewing outside, so I try to move quickly. In the end, I settle on a pair of socks like Emma had suggested.

By the time I get back out to the car, the wind has picked up immensely. Emma has already started the engine, so I pull out of the driveway as quickly as I can.

I can barely see what's in front of me as my car races through the rising wind speeds and the rain pounds down around us. I can't help but notice how nervous Emma seems. The storm is making it difficult to get to the reserve. The conditions are dangerous. Anyone would be crazy to drive in this, but we have no choice. Our families are on the line.

Just as I'm about to reassure her that everything's going to be fine, something comes flying at my windshield. Emma screams while I duck, then turn to see what hit us. 


The second I turn around, I see a tree directly in my path. The last thing I hear is Emma's scream, then my whole world goes black.

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