Chapter 1

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"Miss Adeyemi?"

Grace looked up at the woman, observing her forced smile and strained act of friendliness. She was trying her best, but moving to and fro and calling out random names was taking a toll on her. Though she tried to hide it, Grace sensed she was annoyed. Almost pissed in fact. Apparently, she was new to the job, or she would have gotten the hang of it by now.


She gestured towards the door behind her."You're up."

Grace picked up her purse and stood. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the door. Clutching her purse tightly, she strove to steady her heartbeat. Grace sucked in a breath, relaxing her hold on the purse when her palms began to feel sweaty.

Come on, Grace, she thought, in a desperate attempt to reassure herself.You got this.

She had been working towards this all her life. This was what she had always wanted, wasn't it? A chance to prove herself? A pointer to the right path?

Grace took in another deep breath. She resisted the urge to turn around,afraid of the eyes that would be on her. What would they think? That she was a nervous teenager who hadn't come fully prepared? If only they knew.

Grace reached out to place a hand on the handle. The sight of her shaking hands stopped her. She knew she was nervous, but she had hoped it wouldn't come to this. She clenched her fist, then released them. She repeated the exercise a few times, taking deep breaths during the process.


Grace turned abruptly to face the woman from earlier. The look on her face made Grace look down in embarrassment. The woman probably thought her an idiot, standing in front of the door without opening it.

"Are you alright?" Her tone expressed no concern, just sheer curiosity. And a hint of suppressed amusement. Unlike before, when she had observed every single detail about her expression, Grace couldn't muster up the courage to look her in the face.

"I-I'm okay," she mumbled, still looking at her feet.

"If you say so." Grace nodded. "They're waiting. You don't want to waste their time, trust me."

She swallowed, watching as the woman turned to return to whatever she had been doing before the sight of her performing weird exercises before the door caught her attention. Grace sighed.

She finally summoned enough courage to look around, and, contrary to her belief, no one was looking in her direction. They were probably too busy doing some last-minute mental adjustments to have noticed her staring at the door. She let out a breath. That was a good sign, at least.

Grace turned back to the door but this time, she made no move to walk towards it.Its dark colour and design looked foreboding. If looking at the door terrified her this much,what would happen when she faced what's on the other side?

There was no way she could do it. No way at all. She turned back to face the woman.

"Excuse me, can you show me where the restroom is?" When she saw the odd look on the woman's face, she quickly added, "I need to pee."

The woman nodded and pointed the other way."First room on the left."
Grace mumbled a "Thank you" before making her way towards the place. She located it without stress.

Once she was inside, she stood with her back to the door, forcing air into her lungs. She had to do this. Staying here would only buy her time. She would have to face what's lying beyond the door sooner or later. Hopefully it would be sooner rather than later, but with the way she was feeling, she couldn't be so sure.

Grace placed a hand over a racing heart and closed her eyes. Would she be able to pull it off? Was she prepared enough,or had she been trusting too much in her own abilities?

Stop it, Grace, she thought,shaking her head. Don't think like them.

They thought she couldn't do it. That it was all rubbish and she'd come running to them when she failed. They had laughed at her when she'd shared her dreams with them, telling her it was impossible. She had been told to snap out of it, that dreaming would cause her to lose hold of reality and drive her insane. She hadn't believed them then and she wouldn't do that now.

She opened her eyes, determination strengthening her resolve. She would not fail at this, not after everything she had put into it. Not after the hard work and rejections. She had sacrificed so much to get this chance and she would do anything to hold on to it.

She tilted her chin upwards, her resolve strengthened. She could do this. It didn't matter whether or not they thought so. All that mattered was that she knew she could it.That was enough reassurance.

Taking another deep breath, Grace opened the door. This was what she had been waiting-and working- for. She would not lose sight of it now. She would put in her very best,nothing less. She stepped out. This was it. She was near.

She was about to take another step into her future.

Hello everyone!
I'm soooo excited right now.This is a dream come true for me-I've always wanted to write on Wattpad.I spent a few months on the sidelines,observing things and the likes,then I thought;what was the use of waiting for the 'right time' to write?
So...Ta da!Here I am,flaws and all,eager to learn and develop myself-and to write as well.This is a journey I won't embark on alone-writing this book-and may you be blessed and inspired as you go on this eventful journey with me.

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