Chapter 14

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*Dedicated to @sophiayohanna
( I'm using my phone so I can't do this the proper way)

Grace finally let go of her dismal thoughts. She made a resolution never to lose sight of her goal anymore.

The role. The movie. Her room of awards.

She'd get those. At. Any. Cost.

Even if she had to get rid of competition.

Speaking of competition, where's Cassandra? Grace thought,eyes scanning the room as if Cassandra could have appeared suddenly. But why wasn't she there? The party was for Gifted,was it not? Cassandra had a role- for now- so why wasn't she at the party?

Sounds of laughter shook her from her thoughts. They were all gathered at the centre of the room. Adewale was in their midst,no doubt telling a joke to the attentive audience.

Grace spotted Daniel talking to Chidera. The latter was smiling,they didn't appear to be discussing something serious. To avoid being rude,Grace waited-albeit impatiently- till the conversation was over.


He turned to face her. "Yes?"

Grace looked away from his face,playing at being hesitant. "I noticed that Cassandra's not here and I was wondering...." She trailed off,trying to gauge Daniel's reaction.

His face hardened suddenly,and Grace saw anger darken his features. He suddenly looked like he was fighting for control. His reactions both shocked and surprised her.

"She's not here," he replied coldly, before proceeding to take a gulp of his wine.

"I figured," Grace said in an attempt to lighten his mood. "Why not? She's a part of Gifted now,isn't she? So why is she not here?"

"Nothing." Daniel's frown had deepened and he took another swig. At the rate he was going,he'd be drunk before the night was over,and it was just 8 O'clock. Thankfully, the wine contained little alcohol. She'd had a glass herself.

Someone tapped him and he turned away,leaving Grace to her thoughts. Grace wondered at the sudden change in his demeanour. Despite his aloofness, she wanted to find out what had happened. What had suddenly made him so..cold towards Cassandra? He'd appeared to be quite fond of her- hence Grace's assumption that they were lovers- but she wasn't so sure now. Maybe they'd had a lovers' spat? Or was Daniel annoyed at Cassandra's absence?

But why would Cassandra be intentionally absent from the get- together? She'd bagged the role hundreds of people wanted,so why would she be so careless as to not show up for the annual function? Cassandra liked drama- she was the Nollywood Queen of Divas,afterall- but even then, she wouldn't be so careless. This was Gifted,for crying out loud!


Grace blinked. Rachel was standing before her,arms crossed,brows creased.


Rachel inclined her head towards the wall clock. "My curfew."

Grace cocked her head,wondering at Rachel's behaviour. The teenager was giving her one word answers and acting very formal. Something was definitely amiss.

"What's up with you?" Grace asked,slightly amused.

Rachel shrugged indifferently. "I'm tired."

Grace narrowed her eyes,but decided not to probe. Rachel would eventually spill,she wasn't the type to keep her thoughts to herself. It was both a blessing and a curse. A young girl standing up for herself might be charming sometimes, but most times,she could end up in trouble.

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