Chapter 6

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"Here, Miss."

Grace nodded at the chauffeur and took a deep breath. This was it. March 15. The day when things would change. She ran a hand over her low-cut silk gown and patted her done-up hair. Margaret had done a good job, the mirror in her limousine assured her. After a couple of hours, Margaret had successfully enhanced her features and pronounced her a Greek goddess. Good.


Grace saw that he had alighted and opened her car door. Taking another deep breath, she stepped out. A hundred flashes almost blinded her, but she took them in stride. She had been in the business for six years, so feigning indifference to the constant click-click of the cameras wasn't a problem. Not really.

Grace kept her chin up as she strutted into the large cinema. At a few requests, she paused for the zealous paparazzi. A barrage of questions were thrown at her:

"How do you feel, being here tonight?"

"Is it true you are putting on a million-dollar necklace?"

"Gorgeous outfit. Where did you get it?"

"Do you think _Finding her way_ will give you your next big break?" Grace smiled at that one, and a murmur arose. The man was right. The movie was definitely going to pave her way to another level of stardom.

"Grace! You're here!" Richard, the casting director, half-staggered towards her. He had obviously downed a few glasses of wine. Grace wasn't surprised. Richard had once told her, in a drunken stupor, that alcohol gave him confidence. It made him bolder in large groups,and more...'appealing to the ladies'. Grace had questioned his logic on the last one.

"You see, my dear Rita," he'd slurred, "alcohol gives me the boost...the..the.."He waved his hand, struggling to find the right words- "the _boost_ to approach women I wouldn't have when I'm sober."

Grace had walked away immediately. She'd called his driver to pick him up at the bar. Apart from the fact that he'd mistaken her for someone else, Grace hadn't been particularly fond of him. He just didn't seem _right._

Richard held her elbow in a gesture- she knew- wasn't one of courtesy but an attempt to support his drunken self. There were more camera clicks. Grace almost rolled her eyes. If they thought she and Richard had a thing, they'd better go and have their brains checked.

Grace exchanged a few nods and smiles with a few people as they entered the cinema. "Wow,"Grace breathed. The place was packed. Apparently the movie created more waves than she'd thought.

"Grace!" The producer signalled to her. She smiled at him, grateful that Richard had left her side to go on his 'fishing expenditure.'

"This place is jammed," she commented, sliding beside him at the front of the large hall.

Kenny beamed. "I know, right? Apparently the news of Mr.Daniels's intention of coming here helped us to gain a lot of publicity."

"Good for you."

Kenny furrowed his brows."You mean good for _you_. We both know what will happen if you gain his favour."

The murmur of the crowd reached her ears. Luckily, the paparazzi hadn't been allowed inside.

"And you?"

Kenny sighed. "I'm a weary old man, much too frail to partner with a company like _Gifted_."

"You look fine to me. A couple of wrinkles here and there, but fine."

Kenny chuckled." Gee, thanks."

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