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Red, pink and orange.

Those were the colours that Grace saw as she stared into the horizon, wondering when she had ever taken time to notice the beauty of sunset. Maybe a long time ago, maybe never. She had been too busy chasing the wind to pause and enjoy the little things of life. Little things that have deep meanings.

Grace closed her eyes, feeling the soft breeze ruffling her maxi gown. Loose strands of her hair tickled the sides of her face, but Grace didn't tuck them into her bun. Instead she focused her attention on absorbing the tranquil environment.

She heard the grasses swaying to the music of nature, felt the air caressing her skin from different directions. Taking a deep breath, she spread her arms as if about to fly.

And she did.

She flew above the grasses, shrubs and trees. Above the city she'd been born and bred in. She flew into the sky, almost feeling the clouds embrace her floating form. She flew past the clouds and into an otherworldly realm that few believed really existed.

I am with you. I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

Grace smiled at the Voice she had come to love and crave. The words resonated deep within her soul, and she believed every syllable. Every letter. She believed because it was true. She believed because they were spoken by Someone that, despite all odds, had rescued her from destruction.

Memories of that faithful day flashed through her mind. After the legal issue had blown over, things had changed. The media no longer insulted her, instead, she received mails of sympathies and congratulations. She suddenly changed from a murderous villain to a victimized heroine in the eyes of people. They talked about her on the news, TV, the streets... Everywhere. She became a sensation, just like she had always wanted. Except, she didn't want it anymore.

Grace had spent a lot of time alone. She had wanted no visits or invites, so Rachel had had to perform the gruelling task of turning down requests to appear on TV shows and events. You would think that people would be perceptive enough to know that she needed some time off after the trauma she had gone through. Her days were packed with doctor visits and therapy. Lots of therapy. It was a painful and exhausting process, but she had a friend and her Lil Sister/Social Media Manager to help her through it all.

Bola and Rachel.

She didn't know how those two women came into her life, but she would forever be grateful for them. How would she have survived if not for them? She would probably be dead, or locked up to rot in prison. When she'd been told about all what they had done to help her cause, she had shed tears, wondering how she could ever repay them.

"We prayed for you a lot," Rachel had said as she patted Grace's hand.

"And God took control," Bola had said, smiling.

"God?" Grace had asked, "why did He help me?" She couldn't deny the fact that there was something- someone - otherworldly involved. What else could have made Cassandra show up to testify at her court proceedings?

"Because He loves you, and He has great plans for you," Bola had replied with so much faith that Grace felt a part of her heart melt.

"He loves me?" Grace had whispered, trying hard not to cry.

"He does, all you have to do is to accept Him."

Rachel nodded at Bola's words, grinning widely. "I already did, and I have never been happier!" She beamed.

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