Chapter Two

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Sherlock ran to the graveyard after hearing Mycrofts words and seeing the proof,

'How could I stay dead if it hurt John?'

Sherlock ran as fast as he could, never slowing

'What if he's done?'


'What if you're to late?'


The internal debate continued, He followed the route that he'd been walking at least once a week for the past year. Ever since he jumped he's been trying to break Moriartys web, He'd managed it about a year ago but a single sniper still remained, hidden in London, so he visited his own grave hearing Johns stories day after day.

He feared he wouldn't hear them again.

Around ten minutes later he reached the graveyard, He could already hear him talking.

He step into the graveyard, as the gate slammed shut

'Damn it'

I looked to John but he'd ignored me

"I've loved you since the day I met you, but it took until I lost you to realise it, but I wouldn't change a single thing about the days we had not one single moment."

'Wait... WHAT?' Is someone with him?' Doubt filled him

I turned the corner and saw John alone in front of the grave,

'so he's speaking to me?' He felt the heat rising in his face, he never blushed

A grin formed on Sherlock's face as noticed John was talking to him.

He lifted the gun towards his head and spoke again,

'I need to stop him, but I can't startle him he could react quicker.'

"I believed in you, I still do, maybe not that your alive but maybe your up there looking down on me, calling me stupid, shouting your bored, I've lived these three years alone hoping you were out there, but nobody can prove your out there so now it's my time, my time to join you."

The tears fell from Sherlocks eyes, He had realised the pain He'd put John through.

"I'll find you whatever it takes, I told you even if nobody finds you amazing, fantastic or bloody brilliant I would and I still do, you said you didn't have friends only one, and I couldn't ask to be friends with a more amazing person, or to fall in love so quickly and so deeply."

'This man, my blogger, my doctor he's the man I love but I can never tell him that'

People believed he was a machine who doesn't feel, he won't let them think different.

He heard a soft click as John released the safety, he began to walk slowly and quietly.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fallen, but you did, on the second day we met you asked me something and I've changed my answer, you asked 'If you were dying, if you'd been murdered. In your very last few seconds, what would you say?' I said 'Please, God let me live.'

Well today I'm changing that and my last words will be..."

'His last words, do I listen?, or stop him before it's to late?'

As Sherlock argued with himself again he almost missed Johns words

"Sherlock Holmes, I LOVE YOU..."

It pulled him back to reality, a smile on his lips as he ran


John spun on his heel,

"John put the gun down"

Johns hand never moved

"You were dead, no you are dead, I buried you."

"I'm here John." Sherlock smiled


The smile fell as John screamed, not even a minute after he started he had stopped, John stared at him.

"Maybe my head made you up again" John wondered aloud

"Wait you had hallucinations?"

"Everyday, every night, ever since you died."

A smirk played on Johns lips he removed the gun from his head and pointed it Sherlock,

"So your saying if I shot you you wouldn't fade?"

"Umm... yes but I'd prefer you didn't shoot me."

"Oh not to kill you, just wound you."

"Why though there's other way to know if I'm real and alive."

Sherlock stepped forward

"One more step and we'll soon find out, and trust me I will shoot."

"Oh John I've never doubted you but really? You wouldn't shoot me."


A gunshot echoed in the air, as the smile slipped from both men's face.


Okay so after planning 3 different chapter 2's and having my friends pick this one finally got posted :)

Chapter 3 should be up in 2-3 days hopefully longer

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Twitter: fangirl_secret

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