Chapter Seven

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January 6th
Sherlock just stop, I've moved on, I have Mary now
I started to forget about you so I know you can do
the same, maybe you just need to move on,
find a new friend, get a life, just do something
okay? I love Mary, I've never loved someone like
this before, so just let me be Sherlock Holmes,
just once do something nice and be human, I
don't need you in my life, I slightly regret meeting you
in the first place, so just stop, if you really don't want
to forget just make me into a story, write it down,
tell people, just leave me alone.
- John Watson

The tears fell as Sherlock typed his reply

I'll regret this I know but I think I might leave,
I won't last much longer John, I thought you'd remember
me, I just wanted one friend, one person, to actually cared
and worried about me, I thought that was you but maybe not,
but who knows? You have a life with Mary now, maybe you'll
get married, have kids, but just one thing please?
Please John Watson, don't forget me, you saved my life more
than once, soon I'll just be a memory, just a story in your head,
nothing more, but we're all stories, in the end. Just make it a
good one, eh? But always mention our times together
because what's a Holmes without his Watson?
Goodbye John
- Sherlock Holmes
P.S that diary you received, keep it, there's something in it, and you
missed it because you see but you don't observe

Sherlock pulled himself up from his armchair slowly, he had become weaker and weaker the days were taking a toll on him, he left the flat after waving to Mrs Hudson and hailed a taxi
"St Bart's please"
The taxi drive was slow, Sherlock pulled out his phone and re read his text, what made it worse was the date, Sherlock had remembered but John had forgot, it was a small detail but Sherlock made sure not to forget, he remembered John's birthday yet John forgot his,
The taxi arrived and Sherlock threw the money on the seat
"Keep the change"
He headed to lift and pressed the botton for the roof, and pulled out his phone and sent four texts to his only friends and his brother, though he had abandoned them they never stopped trying to help

Mycroft thank you for you help, but nothing else can
be done,
I'm sorry
- SH

Lestrade thank you for trying to fix me, but I'm beyond
I'm sorry
- SH

Molly thank you for all the help and care, you still count
I'm sorry
- SH

Mrs Hudson thank you for taking me in and accepting me,
You're amazing,
I'm sorry
- SH

The lift stopped and Sherlock stepped out onto the roof, last time he was here was the fall, he walked to the edge and pulled out his phone one last time, he saw the replies

Sherlock, brother please, this isn't the only option, I
can help

Not today, not ever
- SH

Sherlock, don't do it, we can help

There's nothing to be done anymore
- SH

You amazing man, saying you didn't care,
you always did, please remember there's more choices
- Molly

Not for me, there's only one way out
- SH

Please Sherlock, you're like my son I can't lose you
- Mrs H

I'm sorry
- SH

The final text he sent wasn't to a friend but a distant memory

Day one: just one more miracle, don't be dead
I heard you
Day seven hundred and thirty you're final visit
after two years, I. Heard. You.
You were my only friend, you helped me and this
won't bother you like it did before but,
I'm sorry,
Read the diary, the final page
- SH

He placed a foot on the ledge and looked over, no back up plan now, nothing to save him, he placed another, and began to think
'The world will be better'
'No more consulting detective'
'It wasn't a job anyway'
'It was to you'
'Its not important anymore'
'Life is'
'Not mine'
It felt like he was arguing with John in his own head
'I'll miss you'
'Nah you won't'
He spread his arms like a bird ready to take flight, he remembered something he was told all those years ago
"Falling is just like flying, except there's a more permanent destination"
And that person couldn't have been more right, and Sherlock was glad he'd finally have a permanent destination, he'd fallen to hard for someone who hadn't been there to catch him, but that was his fault, he let all emotion leave a leaned forward.

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